These stormy exchanges between bosses … which must be rejoiced – L’Express

These stormy exchanges between bosses which must be rejoiced

Polytechnicians are a large family … On March 20, on BFM Business, the boss of Saint-Gobain, Benoit Bazin (X89), castigates “the arm of honor to French industry” which EDF would be guilty by putting the tariffs of electricity intended for factories. For Luc Rémont (X88), it’s the blow of grace.

Dismissed the next day by Emmanuel Macron, the Energy CEO settles his accounts in Le Figaro : “EDF does not have a lesson in industrial patriotism to be received, in particular from a company that has lived for decades of public policies for renovation and energy efficiency.” A high altitude clash. Who is reminiscent of the one to whom Bernard Arnault and Michel-Edouard Leclerc have been engaging for a few weeks, the second having criticized the first, who criticized the tax burden on large groups, to make “blackmail” in relocation.

Read also: Business surcharge: Bernard Arnault’s dry response to Michel-Edouard Leclerc

We cannot be very happy with these games between leaders: the Trumpist Recomposition of World Trade requires rethinking the question of the “made in France”, and the levers to consolidate it. The employers’ speech, however diverse as it is, is fully legitimate here. Better still, it fills a void: that of a political discourse demonetized in opinion since dissolution. The part of the parties collapses, that of companies, perceived as islets of rationality, soar. Until you send a CEO to the Elysée? There is worse as a scenario for 2027.
