These Signs Show You’re Giving Way More Than You’re Getting in Your Relationship

These Signs Show Youre Giving Way More Than Youre Getting

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    A balanced relationship has two partners who are fully invested in each other. But unfortunately, sometimes this is not the case and one of the two gives much more than he receives from his other half. If you think you are in this case, here are eight signs that prove it.

    To maintain a good relationship, whether it is love or friendship, it must go both ways. Compromises, concessions, suggestions for outings or activities… Both members must feel invested and committed to the relationship for it to work.

    If this is not the case, the relationship is unbalanced and the one who gives a lot of himself will feel like he is carrying a weight on his shoulders. If you think this is your case, here are the eight signs that prove it.

    You are constantly reaching out to each other

    Whether it’s planning a night out or a big project, you’re always the one who has to do it. If this sounds like you, chances are your relationship is out of balance, because while it’s natural to take the lead sometimes, it shouldn’t always be your responsibility. A healthy relationship requires both partners to be equally invested.

    You constantly seek approval from others.

    Are you constantly adapting to your partner’s expectations and even seeking their approval before doing something? Know that you don’t have to change your behavior to be appreciated by your other half (or anyone else, for that matter). In a relationship, the other is there to enhance our value and not to change us according to their desires.

    You neglect your own needs

    This translates into your mind being completely occupied with satisfying your partner while neglecting your own needs. This could be skipping a meal to accompany them on a date or sacrificing sleep to spend the evening comforting them. It may sound admirable, but in reality, denying your own needs to meet the needs of others will get you nowhere. Instead, it is essential to take care of yourself first, so that you can then take care of others.

    You constantly feel exhausted

    In a relationship where you give too much of yourself, without receiving as much in return, it is not uncommon to feel exhausted. This is a physical fatigue, but also an emotional one. This feeling of exhaustion is an alarm signal from your body, telling you that something is wrong. If this is the case for you right now, listen to yourself. No one deserves to be in a relationship where he or she constantly feels exhausted.

    You don’t feel appreciated

    No matter how much effort you put into your relationship, it always goes unnoticed. You rarely hear the word “thank you” in fact. This feeling is a clear sign of investing too much in the relationship, without getting anything in return. This can affect your self-esteem and call into question your worth as an individual. In any relationship, both partners must help each other, but also acknowledge what the other does.

    You feel guilty when you think about yourself

    In the rare cases where this happens, you feel guilty for putting yourself first. It is necessary to think of yourself sometimes, before everyone else. So taking a day off to go to the hairdresser or refusing to do a task for your partner when you have a busy schedule is normal, you should not feel guilty!

    You don’t know who you really are anymore

    In this type of relationship, the imbalance makes it easy, over time, to no longer know who you really are. Little by little, you drop your hobbies, neglect your friendships and end up completely molding yourself to the opinions of the other. While on the contrary: maintaining your individuality is essential, to flourish serenely in your relationship as a couple.

    10 Signs Your Relationship Is Balanced

    Slideshow: 10 Signs Your Relationship Is Balanced
