These signs show that you are totally dehydrated

These signs show that you are totally dehydrated

The sensation is uncomfortable but above all it accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and body fatigue.

Hydration is fundamental for the body since it is composed of 60% water. He can partially missing or all of it is dehydration. Water loss from our body occurs in different ways: through urine, perspiration, breathing and even through the skin. “There is a constant exchange of water between our skin and the air”explains Dr Marie Jourdan, dermatologist. “This phenomenon is called imperceptible loss of waterit is a mechanism for regulating the evaporation of our body”, continues the expert. This mechanism can be mishandled, causing dehydration whose signs are visible : “When the skin is damaged, there is a loss of this regulatory mechanism. In order to avoid dehydration, the goal will be to prevent the water in our body from evaporating too much through the skin.”

The skinfold test

There is a difference in symptoms between body dehydration and skin dehydration, “even if the reasons for this dehydration are linked”, explains the dermatologist. Internal signs of dehydration in the body include:

  • a feeling of thirst which is felt
  • THE hollow look : “Having a dehydrated body is obvious, we will look bad, the complexion will be dull and the fine lines will be marked around the eyes” specifies the specialist.

To find out if our body is lacking water, she advises us to skinfold test : “This test is done simply by lightly pinching the skin; if the fold persists for a few seconds, you are dehydrated.” Regarding dehydration of the skin, functional signs are felt because without water, it is less flexible and less comfortable, water being a crucial element of our skin tissue. A person with dehydrated skin may observe:

  • of the struggle,
  • the appearance of redness or even patches, which may be accompanied by feeling of pain and burning
  • “The skin will be sensitive and heated, it will lack elasticity”specifies Dr Jourdan.

The tightness of the skin can go as far as itching, called “pruritus”, to which people aged 60 and over are typically subject. This itching and tightness is particularly felt after the shower.

Our environment plays a role in dehydration: “The skin needs to be hydrated by the external environment, A dry environment, due to heating or air conditioning, will promote dehydration. UV rays in summer and cold in winter also cause loss of body water into the air. explains the specialist. “To remedy dehydration, we must remedy the cause by paying attention to our environment but also by making sure to keep the hydration of your skin.” To relieve and maintain hydration in your skin, the dermatologist advises you to use mild or rich soaps and to moisturize after showering.

As a reminder, apart from a lack of water or temporary drought, real dehydration of the body can have serious consequences on health. This dehydration manifests itself in headaches, a feeling of fatigue, nausea, muscle pain or even weight loss. In the most severe cases, it triggers a dysfunction of certain vital organs as explained in a previous article. If there are serious signs of dehydration, call the 15.

Thanks to Dr Marie Jourdan, dermatologist.
