These shoe models should be banned according to a podiatrist (particularly in the case of hallux valgus)

These shoe models should be banned according to a podiatrist

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    in collaboration with

    Pierre Schlienger (chiropodist)

    Far from boots and sneakers, in summer, new models are available to you in terms of shoes. However, some of them are not recommended, especially if you suffer from hallux valgus… Our podiatrist Pierre Schlienger sheds some light on the subject.

    Want to get out your sandals, flip-flops and heels? Summer is the perfect time to put on lightweight shoes. However, some models are actually not recommended by experts, especially if you have hallux valgus. Here are Pierre Schlienger’s tips for preserving your feet this summer and avoiding suffering from this deformity.

    Hallux valgus, an often genetic deformity

    “Hallux valgus is a deviation of the big toe which goes towards the inside of the foot” explains the podiatrist first. The causes? They are generally genetic, which means that you are probably the sad heir of an ancestor with a wider than average forefoot. On the other hand, the podiatrist blames shoes as a trigger for the pathology. “Through friction or lack of space, these trigger the inflammation resulting in hallux valgus.”. It is also possible to have a hallux valgus after a hormonal surge, during pregnancy or at menopause. Indeed, “the ligaments become loose, the foot collapses and the big toe is no longer sufficiently supported“. Significant weight gain, swollen feet or water retention can also be factors that limit space in the shoe and promote friction.

    What are the consequences ? “Pain in the toe or on the front of the foot, collapse of the arch of the foot, but also the appearance of calluses responsible for pain, which in the most serious cases can impact mobility” explains Pierre Schlienger. Beyond the pain, this deformation is very unaesthetic and putting on the right shoes can become a real challenge.

    Shoes to avoid according to our expert!

    So, the podiatrist invites you to take the choice of your shoes seriously: “We primarily avoid those with pointed ends that are too tight or too rigid”. Secondly, “Wearing high heels should also be limited” he adds. Conversely, “We will favor shoes that hold the foot well, opting for wide, comfortable models, in which we feel good and whose heel is not too high”. When choosing shoes, the expert advises to make two gestures: “feel the back of the shoe to test its stiffness” ; “try to twist the shoe, if you can do it it means it doesn’t hold up well enough”.

    In short, we avoid flip-flops and slides for walking and we just wear them at the beach. On the other hand, sandals, provided that they respect the two rules, can be perfectly suitable! And for those who pay attention to their look, rest assured, more and more brands are starting to make models that are both trendy and comfortable.

    “Wearing good shoes can limit the worsening of hallux valgus” explains the podiatrist, “Opting for orthotics or straightening splints can also play a role, provided you have the right shoes” he continues. On the other hand, he adds that “This method will not correct the deformation in question“. So, if you want to treat a hallux valgus that is becoming disabling, “the only real way is surgery” confides Pierre Schlienger.

    Foot health: stop bad habits!

    Slideshow: Foot health: stop bad habits!
