These qualities of very shy people that make them charming

These qualities of very shy people that make them charming

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    Beneath their introverted appearance, shy people cultivate, sometimes despite themselves, qualities that make them valuable people in your circle. Discover 6 great qualities that come from shyness.

    We tend to think of them as introverted, withdrawn, unsure of themselves, and yet, shy people also have assets in their game that they are not always aware of and a great strength of character. To set the record straight, the magazine Hack Spirit has listed 6 great qualities attributed to very shy people.

    Shy people are often more approachable

    Although they may seem uncomfortable in certain situations, shy people will try by all means to adapt in order to look good. And in this quest, they are often the ones who will seem the most accessible: “The shyness, modesty and self-effacement that accompany it are rarely threatening and can make people feel more comfortable in your presence.explains Arlin Cuncic, a psychologist specializing in social anxiety. “In other words, you don’t have an air of superiority that makes it difficult to talk to you.” In romantic relationships too, humility is a sought-after quality, and shy people are often perceived as humble, a good point.

    They make better confidants

    Because they are also seen as rather discreet in their lives and the way they present themselves, and do not want to draw all the attention to themselves, shy people are also seen as those who can be trusted when disclosing something. In fact, they are often accompanied by the same friends over the long term, a proof of trust?

    They are good at one-on-one conversations

    Shy people are also the people who are chosen more for a deeper one-on-one conversation, an asset in private life as in professional life. Ains, Jenny Blake, career coach at Google, explains that this is because shy people, that is, introverts, or those who do not naturally seek group interactions and social environments, can have a key advantage at work because these “deep relationships” can leave lasting impressions. A good relationship is therefore not linked to the extroverted side of a person.

    They think more about what they say

    Given that they do not speak all the time, and that they weigh their interventions, shy people will also be perceived as more thoughtful. Lindsay Holmes on the Evolution psychology center website cited by Hack Spirit states: “Shyness is accompanied by a tendency to engage in frequent inner reflection. The notion of thinking before acting is characteristic of many shy people., she declares. “Additionally, their ability to engage in deep, and often intellectual, reflection leads them to make wiser decisions.”.

    They seem more authentic

    By nature, shy people are more likely to be introverted, which indicates that they will not have the desire to be popular or attract attention. A good point also regarding the way we look at them, since they don’t need to be fake to fit in.

    “This trait is linked to how their brain works,” explains Anna LeMind of Learning Mind. “Some scientific studies show that they depend less on dopaminea neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in the reward centers of the brain”. Shy people are often less concerned with getting approval or validation from others. “So, an introvert won’t give insincere compliments to please his boss or have a ‘chat’ with the co-worker he doesn’t like.”

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    They are naturally creative

    Shy people are generally more creative than others. And why that ? According to Susan Cain, speaker and author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, the reason is simple: “Introverts prefer to work independently and solitude can be a catalyst for innovation and creativity.” !

    So, not so bad to be shy, right?

    10 tips to help a shy child

    Slide: 10 tips to help a shy child
