These personalities who advance medicine – L’Express

These personalities who advance medicine LExpress

More than ever, science must be defended. Donald Trump’s first actions in the United States are concerned about. Puting institutes for medical research, disease control centers or, among other organizations, the agency for environmental protection, censorship of gender or climate change and, more generally, cuts in budgets allocated to researchers will undermine public health and the fight against the effects of warming.

Relive the entire Science and Health Symposium of L’Express 2025 here

This great purge will not be without consequences on the rest of the world, as the knowledge acquired thanks to the formidable investment deployed so far by the Americans in research benefits everyone. So much, too, scientific ecosystems are entangled – Postdoc exchanges, common research projects, etc. But let’s not be mistaken: this attack in good standing against the scientific world is above all an attack on democracy. This assumes indeed that enlightened citizens can debate from reliable information and established facts. By putting science, which fights unfounded beliefs and cognitive biases, we open the door to manipulations based on emotion, and therefore populism.

Read also: Venki Ramakrishnan, Nobel Prize: “The three things to do if you want to live longer …”

L’Express has placed the defense of rationality at the heart of its DNA. This is why, every week, we highlight the benefits brought by research to society, without ever hesitating, either, to take our share in the fight against disinformation. We have chosen, this year again, to extend this commitment by supporting researchers who share these fights thanks to a dedicated event: the awards ceremony for science and health personalities.

L’Express winners

The Grand Prix is ​​awarded to Venki Ramakrishnanwinner of the Nobel Prize for his work on ribosomes, and author of a recent work that helps to sort in research on aging and longevity.

Venki Ramakrishnan

© / The Royal Society

The price of prevention amounts to Serge Hercberg And Mathilde Touvierfor their fight in favor of public health through Nutri-Score.

Mathilde Touvier and Serge Hercberg.

Mathilde Touvier and Serge Hercberg.

© / Alexandre Darmon / Art in Research for the Bettencourt Schueller / Coll Foundation. Special

The innovation prize is awarded to Sarah Watsonwhich has developed an artificial intelligence tool capable of unraveling the mystery of cancers of unknown origin, and thus save patients.

"Nonconformist"according to her own expression, Sarah Watson has become a pioneer in her field. The methodology it has developed concerning cancers of unknown origin earns the price of therapeutic innovation L'Express 2025.

“Anti -conformist”, according to her own expression, Sarah Watson has become a pioneer in her field. The methodology it has developed concerning cancers of unknown origin earns the price of therapeutic innovation L’Express 2025.

© / Curie Institute

Finally, the Prize for the Defense of Science rewards the Pr Mathieu Molimardat the tip of the battle against Didier Raoult during the pandemic. He has since become one of the figures in the fight against false medical information.

Because he opposed doctors and researchers who propagate info, including Didier Raoult, Mathieu Molimard is the object of defamation campaigns of great violence.

Because he opposed doctors and researchers who propagate info, including Didier Raoult, Mathieu Molimard is the object of defamation campaigns of great violence.

© / Coll. special
