these ministers of the Borne government who are in the waiting room – L’Express

these ministers of the Borne government who are in the

He is the leading figure in the new government of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal. Rachida Dati was appointed Minister of Culture on Thursday January 11. She replaces Rima Abdul-Malak in this position. Another personality from the right, Catherine Vautrin, joins the government, as Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity.

If several senior ministers under Elisabeth Borne have been reappointed to their posts, such as Bruno Le Maire for Economy and Finance, Gérald Darmanin for the Interior, Sébastien Lecornu for the Armed Forces and Eric Dupond-Moretti for Justice, others must still wait before knowing their positions. A second series of delegate ministers, as well as the appointment of state secretaries, will be announced soon, this Friday or in the coming days.

READ ALSO: Rachida Dati Minister of Culture, LR suffocates: “One more nail in the coffin”

This new wave of appointments should concern several major figures from the previous government of Elisabeth Borne. This is the case of Agnès Pannier-Runacher, until now Minister of Energy Transition, who was to introduce the energy-climate bill in the coming weeks. Her portfolio was attached to Bercy, but she should continue in government. According to information from PoliticoAgnès Pannier-Runacher could be appointed Minister Delegate for Health.

Olivier Véran head of the European list?

The Minister of Civil Service Stanislas Guerini does not appear among the first salvo of the announcement by members of the government either. However, he too had to defend an important reform of the civil service. If several proposals to be delegated minister have been made to him, Politico suggests, we still do not know at this stage the future of this historic Macronist. Roland Lescure also has no assignment at this stage. The Minister Delegate in charge of Industry, whose name was mentioned for Matignon according to our information, could recover the Energy portfolio in addition to retaining that of Industry, according to Politico.

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Olivier Véran, until now government spokesperson, is for his part expected to lead the presidential list in the European elections. His name is also mentioned to take the head of the Renaissance party. Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt is also leaving the government. He had led the unpopular pension reform.

Clément Beaune does not appear on the first list revealed Thursday evening either. The outgoing Minister Delegate for Transport had been one of the leaders of the revolt against the immigration law passed by the far right, but the threats of resignations from ministers from the left wing had greatly annoyed Emmanuel Macron. The first Council of Ministers of the Attal government is scheduled for this Friday at 11 a.m.
