these local alliances to present a single candidate – L’Express

these local alliances to present a single candidate – LExpress

Officially, there are no agreements between The Republicans (LR) and the presidential majority (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons, UDI) with a view to early legislative elections. But while candidacies in the 577 constituencies must be submitted this Sunday before 6 p.m., alliances or “non-aggression pacts” are being created locally, in order not to present candidates against each other. Are they the prelude to a larger agreement?

In no case according to the President LR of the Senate, Gérard Larcher. “I formally deny the unacceptable and fanciful rumors circulating. There was no secret meeting or secret arrangement. I have not met Emmanuel Macron since March 7 outside of official ceremonies,” said he explained onin response to certain rumors of an agreement with the president.

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The leadership of the Republicans, who experienced a more than chaotic week, confirms. “No apparatus agreement binds the Republicans,” she wrote on These local agreements are widely condemned on the right. On the one hand, by Éric Ciotti, contested president of LR and supporter of an alliance with the National Rally (RN). On the other, by the anti-Ciotti leadership of LR, which promises a line of “independence”.

First agreement in Hauts-de-Seine

However, an agreement was confirmed in Hauts-de-Seine on Friday June 14. A press release was published, signed by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, the president of the LR federation of the department, Philippe Juvin, the president of the UDI, Hervé Marseille, the departmental managers of Modem, Isabelle Florennes, and Horizons, Isabelle de Crécy, as well as the president of the department, Georges Siffredi. “We have decided, to block the extremes of the right and the left, to create a republican arc in our department of Hauts-de-Seine which links ‘Together for the Republic’ (banner of the majority, Editor’s note), the Republicans 92 and the president of the department,” write the signatories.

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A similar pact was signed in Loire-Atlantique and Marseille, where the DVD president of the metropolis, Martine Vassal, announced her support for the Secretary of State for the city, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache. “There are, at the local level, local elected officials who come together,” argued Gabriel Attal, candidate for re-election as deputy for Hauts-de-Seine. “I know that around my candidacy for the legislative elections, I have both elected or former elected officials from the socialist left who support me, as well as elected or former elected LR representatives who support me,” he insisted. , believing that “this is also what is happening in many territories”.

However, a press release from the right-wing party published Friday afternoon contradicted the Prime Minister. Nine LR candidates were thus invested in the department, including one facing Gabriel Attal. Faced with the outgoing Renaissance, Constance Le Grip, the Republicans even announced to invest their deputy general secretary, Geoffroy Didier.

Free path for Aurore Berger, Prisca Thévenot and Stéphane Séjourné?

The delegate minister responsible for democratic renewal, Prisca Thévenot, candidate in Hauts-de-Seine, should however benefit from the same departmental agreement, as should Stéphane Séjourné, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, candidate in Boulogne-Billancourt.

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According to our colleagues from the newspaper Release, discussions around possible rallies also took place for Yvelines, notably in the constituency currently held by the Minister Delegate for Equality for Women and Men, Aurore Bergé, and in that of Renaissance MP Karl Olive. This information, however, is denied by a post on X by Les Républicains, which announces its investment in Gaël Barbotin.

If some of the Republicans do not agree to make a pact with the executive party for the elections of June 30 and July 7, others, under the command of Eric Ciotti, accept agreements with the National Rally. Jordan Bardella, who leads the National Rally (RN) campaign, announced that there would be “a common candidate” with the Republicans who will have followed Éric Ciotti “in 70 constituencies”. In addition, Eric Ciotti’s request to prohibit, for those who have not followed him, the use of logos and brands belonging to the Les Républicains association, has not yet been decided.
