Choose these five varieties of tomatoes for a summer salad that will melt your taste buds!
Refreshing as can be, the tomato, we like it juicy and fragrant! This tasty vegetable garden product is the star of salads, especially when the sunny days arrive. When choosing your tomato, it’s difficult to find your way around. This fruit is so popular that there are countless varieties. How to find the one that goes best with your salad? There are a few tips and features to know.
When you opt for a preparation of raw tomatoes in salad, you favor those with bright colors. The undisputed ally of your summer salads is beef hearts. Cultivated in France, it originally comes from South America. This imposing variety of tomatoes is recognizable by its heart shape and its very red color. Its flesh is fleshy and sweet, rich in vitamin C, and generally well flavored. Just as large, the orange-yellow Pineapple tomato offers juicy and very fragrant flesh. When cut, it looks like a slice of pineapple… Hence its name! Something to appeal to children. The Crimean Black, a large ribbed, slightly flattened fruit of a dark purple color, is also one of the best tomatoes to eat in salads thanks to its dense, juicy and sweet flesh, without any acidity.

Then place the smaller tomatoes. The Green Zebra tomato, which owes its name to its orange-yellow skin streaked with green, ranks among the best salad varieties. Its juicy, sweet and very slightly tangy flesh goes perfectly with a colorful salad that plays on sweet and sour. Finally, the Osu Blue, a small round tomato with a naturally blue color, is a rarer variety. Its very juicy and sweet flesh is a real delight in salads. Obviously, if you can’t find these two varieties of small tomatoes in the supermarket, cherry tomatoes or cocktail tomatoes on the vine will also do the trick and will appeal to the little ones.
You will have understood, the tomatoes preferred for salad always have a well-colored skin. Make sure their skin is shiny and smooth and don’t hesitate to touch and smell them before choosing them. A tomato should be firm to the touch and generally fragrant. We will not choose a tomato that is too soft or too hard, and preferably local and, above all, seasonal. This is why it is always better, whenever possible, to obtain them from a market gardener who will be able to advise you best.