These games should be banned for our children according to an emergency doctor (they are responsible for accidents)

These games should be banned for our children according to

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    With the return of sunny days, children spend more time playing outside. But be careful of their activities, because some are particularly dangerous. Here are the ones, according to Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo.

    Children love to play but as parents it is important to keep an eye on their games. Indeed, some are more dangerous than others and it is better to ban them, otherwise you risk an accident.

    Electric scooters

    Responsible for more and more accidents, electric scooters are also the cause of more serious injuries. “The Academy of Medicine is concerned about the increase in scooter accidents, often more serious than bicycle accidents, due to the speed of these machines. confirms Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo.

    To avoid any risk, it is preferable to reserve their use for adults. In the same vein, bicycles can also cause accidents, so it is important to put a helmet on your children every time they get on their bicycle.

    Trampolines and swimming pools

    They are found in many gardens, but be careful of accidents. Trampolines are responsible for accidents because children do not always correctly control their jumps and their trajectories, especially when there are several of them.

    “As with cycling or scootering, trampoline accidents cause fractures, head trauma, and even multiple trauma involving the vital prognosis” explains the doctor. “And for swimming pools, the first related accident is drowning, due to lack of monitoring or a suitable safety device..

    The scarf game

    Other dangerous games are also sometimes undertaken by children. The scarf game, for example, consists of depriving yourself of oxygen by tightening a scarf around your neck. “It can lead to serious accidents or even death.” warns our expert.

    It is therefore essential to teach your child that they should never put an everyday object around their neck, such as a skipping rope for example or a belt, to avoid any risk of strangulation.

    The bobbin game

    For this game, children use aerosols, from which they inhale toxic gases by spraying them in a can, before breathing inside. “This can cause respiratory problems and poisoning” recalls Gérald Kierzek.

    The game of tomato or scrum

    In this rather violent game, children “have fun” hitting each other in the chest until they are out of breath. “This can lead to internal injuries“explains the doctor again.

    There are also risks of fractures, sprains or other injuries in scrum play where children push each other” adds the emergency doctor, a bit like rugby. Generally speaking, violent games, attacks or aggression should be banned. “These games involve gratuitous physical violence against a single child or several children, with consequences that can be serious, both physically and psychologically.” recalls Dr. Gérald Kierzek. Before concluding: “Life is not a video game!”

    Spring-Summer 2024: new outdoor games and toys

    Slide: Spring-Summer 2024: new outdoor games and toys
