These “fragrant” French cheeses are adored by Charles III, for a specific reason

These fragrant French cheeses are adored by Charles III for

Charles III is British, no one is perfect. But he has an invaluable quality for him: he likes French cheeses. He worships some of them.

King Charles III is an aesthete and a lover of French cheeses. His relatives know it, but the man wants to hammer him publicly from time to time. This was the case, in particular, during a reception at the Quai Conti Institute in December 2015. The man who was still Prince of Wales received the François Rabelais prize there, awarded by the European Foundation for Food and Agriculture. Iehca, which honors personalities committed to organic farming and environmental protection.

The man had made a point of making a speech, insisting on the French specificity in the so diverse know-how implemented in the manufacture of cheeses. He had insisted on the need, according to him, to defend the marketing of raw milk cheeses, by listing the cheeses for which he devotes a real love of gastronomy: “In a bacteriologically correct society, what would happen to Brie de Meaux , Crottin de Chavignol or Bleu d’Auvergne? In a germ-free and genetically modified future, what hope would there be for the timeless Fourme d’Ambert or the fragrant Pont-l’Évêque? Charles had also castigated ” obsession with authorisations, categories, homogenization and pasteurization which will cause the emasculation of the robust old Roquefort” And then to add: “We must defend the history of cultures and the survival of true culture without which our whole life would be absolutely unbearable”.
