These foods may be the cause of your headache! Foods that trigger migraine

These foods may be the cause of your headache Foods

The foods we eat and drink play an important role in our health. Even certain foods and poor eating habits can cause migraines. Foods and beverages that trigger migraines primarily include foods containing caffeine, alcohol, or monosodium glutamate. If you want to avoid headaches, you can know about these foods.


The caffeine in coffee can relieve migraine pain in small amounts, so it can be a component of some over-the-counter headache medications. However, excessive coffee consumption or black coffee consumed at the wrong time of the day can even trigger a migraine attack.

Not just too much coffee, but also caffeine withdrawal can be a common trigger for migraines, according to a 2020 study. If you stick to your usual daily caffeine intake and drink the same amount of coffee at the same time every day, you will reduce your chances of getting a headache.


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Although there is not enough evidence that there is a link between chocolate and migraine according to some studies, it is good to know that chocolate is also a source of caffeine and contributes to the release of substances that transmit stimuli between the cells that trigger migraine.



Among cheeses, blue cheese, brie, cheddar and feta have been found to contain the amino acid tyramine, which can trigger migraines in some people. It is also known that dairy products cause inflammatory symptoms in sensitive people, which poses a problem for migraine.


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Processed meat products such as hot dogs, sausages, and various delicatessen products may contain nitrates. It should be known about these compounds that they have a vasodilating effect that can trigger migraine headaches. Also, processed meat products are inflammatory foods, so they can pose a double risk to migraine sufferers.


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Excessive consumption of energizing sports drinks, which are believed to be healthy and enriched with vitamins and minerals, can also trigger migraines. This is because special liquids are enriched with niacin (vitamin B3), which is part of the B complex and plays an important role in the efficient functioning of the body. Basically, it is very important in controlling the right cholesterol level. However, excessive consumption of B vitamins can have a vasodilating effect, which can trigger migraines in some people.
