These foods give pimples: what to replace them with?

These foods give pimples what to replace them with

Women who have acne know it: they must watch their diet because certain foods are well known to promote pimples. The opinion of our dermatologists.

The subject is regularly debated among researchers and dermatologists: is there a link between food and acne ? It’s hard to tell. What is certain, however, is that some bad eating habits promote pimples. Which ones? Answers with Nadine Pomarède, dermatologist in Paris and founder of the DermoMedicalCenter, and Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvestre, independent dermatologist.

“Acne is born from the conjunction of three phenomena”

Acne doesn’t have a single cause. “It arises from the conjunction of three phenomena”, explains Nadine Pomarede. First, from a overproduction of sebum (sebaceous glands increase in size and produce more sebum due to testosterone), thenobstruction of the pilosebaceous duct (excess sebum drains poorly into the pilosebaceous orifice, resulting in the formation of comedones, i.e. black dots and microcysts) and thirdly from inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicle (retention of sebum which promotes the development of a bacterium, Cutibacterium acnes, which multiplies in the sebum releasing inflammatory substances). Its causes are many. Acne can be caused by hormonal variations (adolescence, pregnancy, menstrual cycle, etc.), at medication, inadequate contraception, stress, the use of unsuitable cosmetic products or a poor food hygiene. What foods to avoid?

Quick sugars to avoid: cakes, sweets, cereal bars…

“Excessive consumption of fast sugars can promote acne” describes Nadine Pomarede. And for good reason, “fast sugars induce a insulin secretion which affects sebum secretion in the sebaceous gland”. Result : “The sebum fails to be excreted properly and accumulates, resulting in blackheads and microcysts that ignite and induce the formation of painful pimples.”

► Foods to limit: sodas, energy bars, cakes and sweets rich in glucose but also salty ready meals, refined foods, in particular processed cereals whose glycemic impact is very important.

► Foods to favor: “Anyone with a low glycemic index”, continues Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvestre, who cites vegetables, fruits, non-industrial whole grains (whole rice, spelled, quinoa).

Dairy products: yogurts, milk can boost acne

Another family of foods to limit, according to the two professionals: dairy products. Firstly because “Lactose is a carbohydrate and will therefore be added to our daily carbohydrate intake”, explains Dr. Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvestre. Also, for his impact on our hormonal balancealso helping to stimulate sebum.

► Preferred dairy products : “If you drink milk, eat yogurt or cheese and you suspect it is contributing to your acne, start with favor dairy products and kefirs of organic origin. Another idea is to replace with plant-based milks and yogurts for a few weeks and see what happens,” advises Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvestre.

Foods high in trans fats: fries, frozen meals, breakfast cereals…

Among the habits to avoid, Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvestre also mentions bad fats, namely “trans fats mainly resulting from an industrial transformation process”.They are not desirable for acne but also more generally for health”writes the dermatologist in her book “Foods that cure acne”.

► Foods to limit: french fries, cookies, ultra-processed and sugary breakfast cereals, frozen meals.

► Preferred fats : omega-3 (rapeseed, flax, hemp, camelina, oily fish, nuts, chia seeds, lamb’s lettuce, etc.), natural and organic saturated fats (coconut oil, butter) and olive oil , which are essential for the proper functioning of our body. His advice: “Balance the three categories.”

Industrial “white” foods: flour, sugar, rice, pasta…

“Our metabolism is not prepared to handle the artificial molecules present in industrial foods”, warns Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvestre. “These molecules cause metabolic disorders, but to control acne, we are precisely aiming for a better hormonal balance”, she details. In addition, certain industrial processes empty foods of their fibres, vitamins and minerals. Those are “empty calories”.

► Foods to limit : white flour, white sugar, white rice, industrial pasta, etc.

► Foods to favor : whole foods, little or not processed: cabbage, artichokes, avocados, salad, fresh fruits, brown rice, spelt…

“Good food hygiene will not only reduce acne, but overall make your body work better, improve healing and reduce the level of inflammation” concludes Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvestre.

Thanks to Nadine Pomarède, dermatologist in Paris and founder of the DermoMedicalCenter, author of “A beautiful skin, instructions for use” published by Marabout. Thanks to Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvestre, liberal dermatologist and author of “Foods that heal acne”, published by Thierry Souccar.
