These balloons are talked about in two neighboring countries! Kim Jong-un’s move increased tensions, retaliation from South Korea

These balloons are talked about in two neighboring countries Kim

Another move has been made by North Korea that will further increase the tensions that have been escalating in the region in recent days. In the statement made by the South Korean General Staff (JCS), it was reported that North Korea sent 310 more balloons carrying garbage to South Korea’s border regions. Authorities warned the public not to touch suspicious substances sent via balloons.

The South Korean military took action against North Korea’s ongoing balloon threat. In the statement made by the South Korean General Staff, it was noted that giant speakers broadcasting propaganda were re-installed in the border region for the first time after 2016. “Whether broadcasts via loudspeakers can continue depends on North Korea’s actions,” the statement said, adding, “We call on North Korea to immediately stop despicable actions such as sending balloons carrying garbage.”


Kim Yo Jong, sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Workers’ Party, also reacted harshly to South Korea’s propaganda with loudspeakers in the border region, in her written statement.


“The action of sending balloons as a retaliation was supposed to end on June 9, but the situation has changed. The loudspeaker broadcast provocation started in the border areas. This is the beginning of a very dangerous situation,” said Kim, adding that if South Korea continues to send balloons and broadcast with loudspeakers across the border, North Korea He said Korea would give a “new response.”

Kim, who did not give details about the “new response” in question, also claimed that his country sent approximately 7.5 tons of “waste paper” with 1,400 balloons across the border over the weekend.

Stating that these are just garbage and do not contain political propaganda materials, Kim warned that South Korea will “have to constantly collect waste paper” if it does not step back from its actions.

“I strongly warn Seoul to immediately stop dangerous actions that will lead to further conflict,” Kim said.



North Korea sent more than a thousand balloons carrying garbage to South Korea’s border regions in response to South Korean activists sending propaganda leaflets to the country with balloons.

The South Korean government, which warned North Korea that “harsh measures” would be taken, announced that it had completely suspended the agreement signed in 2018 to reduce military tensions.

Following the development, the Pyongyang administration announced that it had suspended the sending of garbage-carrying balloons and warned that if South Korean activists continued to send propaganda leaflets with balloons, they would be met with a double response.

Finally, the group in South Korea called Free North Korea Fighters (FFNK) announced that 10 balloons carrying propaganda materials were sent to North Korea. North Korea’s reaction was a matter of curiosity.

(UAV)This content was published by Hazar Saygın.

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