We did a survey at MeinMMO in which we wanted to know from you which Arnold Schwarzenegger film you think is the best. Based on the results, we present you his 5 best titles.
Many of you answered our survey. A total of 2,026 votes came together and formed a fairly clear result. So when it comes to Arnie films, you’re pretty much in agreement. In the following, we will first present the result and then the 5 winning films.
“Sarah Connor” thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was just a bodybuilder pretending to be an actor
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You have a clear favorite among the Schwarzenegger films
Here you can see the results of the survey. At the time of the evaluation on July 14, 2023, 2,026 MeinMMO users had voted:
With Terminator 2 and a whopping 40% of the votes, we have a clear winner in the ranking. Predator and True Lies are close behind in second and third place with 13% and 12% respectively.
Terminator follows at a small distance of 10%. All subsequent titles were selected by the community a little less frequently at 0%-6%. Maggie came last with 10 votes.
A MeinMMO user also wrote in the comments that he was particularly a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s early films, which were not available in the selection:
I kinda miss some of the early “trashy” movies like Hercules in New York, Red Sonja and Cactus Jack.
I thought all 3 were great when I was young, nowadays they’re of course rather mediocre, but Arni as Handsome Stranger in Cactus Jack was really funny.
Hercules in New York was his first starring role, if I remember correctly, by winning the Mr. Universe title.
And Red Sonja is just cult trash, which will even be remade without Arni, but I’m curious if they can reach the original.
At Total Recall, the new film didn’t come close to the original.
MyMMO reader THEulx