These are the best grocery stores

These are the best grocery stores

Where you shop for the household can be a matter of taste. According to the comparison service Compress so Swedes spent an average of SEK 9,320 on food every month last year.

CPS GFK has, in a new survey, analyzed which grocery stores are most appreciated by Swedes. The survey shows that there is a 58 percent difference between the most and least satisfied customers.

READ MORE: Save SEK 1,557 – the expert: You buy the cheapest food there

Big differences

Over the past two years, Willys and Lidl have had increasing growth and a stream of new customers, even though the economic situation has been tough.

In the survey, 62 percent of Willy’s customers answered that they are “fairly” or “very satisfied”. Lidl is not far behind with 52 percent.

The survey shows that they have climbed up among the country’s favourites.

But Ica Maxi surprises and takes second place with a satisfaction index of 56 percent, making it a tough competitor. Other ICA stores, such as Kvantum, Supermarket and Nära, reach satisfaction levels of 41, 43 and 23 percent respectively.

It differs up to 33 percent among Ica’s customers when it comes to how satisfied they are.

– Ica Maxi stands out somewhat compared to Ica Kvantum and Ica Supermarket through its more complete selection and to some extent also generally with slightly lower prices, says Elin Scotfordanalyst and business development manager at Consumer Panel Services GFK to Grocery news!.

– Ica Nära is a smaller and more expensive format. The selection is not the same, while the prices may be different and this may affect the customers’ perception.

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Photo: Linus Sundahl-Djerf/SVD/TTK quality more important than price according to customers

In the same survey, households have revealed what is most important when choosing a store.

As many as 96 percent say that the quality of the products is “fairly” or “very important”. The customers’ response to the store’s ability to “always have fixed and low prices” comes first in eighth place in the ranking of important factors.

Instead, customers value good membership offers, clarity around prices and “confidence in the range” more than the pricing itself.

Marketing and advertising is at the bottom of the list of what influences the choice of store or market format, with only 26 percent believing it matters.

– This will be speculation, but we know that advertising works psychologically. Whether or not you appreciate it on an individual level is a completely different matter. People are influenced by advertising but may not actively find it so fun and attractive, even if it has a real effect, says Elin Scotford.

Ranking of stores according to customer satisfaction

  • Willys: 62 percent satisfied customers
  • Ica Maxi: 56 percent satisfied customers
  • Lidl: 52 percent satisfied customers
  • Ica Supermarket: 43 percent satisfied customers
  • Ica Kvantum: 41 percent satisfied customers
  • Coop: 40 percent satisfied customers
  • Large coop: 36 percent satisfied customers
  • Home purchase: 26 percent satisfied customers
  • Ica Near: 23 percent satisfied customers
  • Matsmart: 15 percent satisfied customers City gross: 14 percent satisfied customers
  • Xtra: 13 percent satisfied customers
  • Mathem: 4 percent satisfied customers

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