We have compiled a list of the best fantasy films of all time for you. We present 7 films that have top spots on IMDb based on their viewer ratings.
What are these movies? The films listed all belong to the Fantasy genre. Titles were selected based on their IMDb user rating.
We also did our own sorting to select the titles that best fit the genre. In addition, we have tried to integrate as great a variety as possible into the selection.
According to which criteria was it selected? The following factors were important in the selection:
For each featured film, we provide you with a trailer, a brief description of the content, and the IMDb user rating at the time the list was created.
7. How to Train Your Dragon
The first in our ranking is the family-friendly animated film How to Train Your Dragon (2010) by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois. It is about the friendship of the young Viking Hicks and a nightshade dragon.
The film gets 8.1 out of 10 possible stars from the IMDb users, with a total of 763,018 reviews.
6. The Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz is a 1939 fairy tale film directed by Victor Fleming and King Vidor and based on the children’s book.
A tornado takes Dorothy Gale to a magical land. There she goes in search of the Wizard of Oz to get back home.
The fantasy classic scores very well with 411,125 reviews with 8.1 stars.