These are the 5 best rated episodes according to IMDb

The One Piece anime has been with us for 24 years now. Over 1,000 episodes were created. MeinMMO presents you with 5 episodes that were rated best by fans.

What criteria were used to select the episodes?

  • The rating platform IMDb was chosen as the basis
  • The 5 episodes with the best rating (9.6 stars) and the most user ratings were selected here
  • The episodes are not in the same arc
  • This means that episodes that happened directly one after the other are eliminated. In second and third place were actually two episodes from the Marineford arc, with only one episode between them. Here we have decided to combine the two episodes in second place. The same applies to third place: Here we look at experiences from Enies Lobby that happened in quick succession.

    5th place: Blows up the auction

  • Episode: 396
  • User Ratings: 6,164
  • Arc: Sabaody Archipelago
  • In this episode, mermaid Kamy has to contend with a terrible fate: she is part of an auction where world aristocrats choose their new slaves. Charlos is one of these world aristocrats and hopes to be able to buy the mermaid at auction.

    But the Straw Hat Gang has their own plan: They are trying to legally buy Kamy. Unfortunately, Charlos gets in their way because he offers more than twice the money that Nami and Co. have.

    One Piece is also available as a Netflix series:

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to free Kamy in any other way. She wears a collar that explodes as soon as it is removed from her. That would result in her death. However, for the Straw Hat Gang, leaving Kamy alone is not an option.

    Luffy crashes through the roof of the auction house and gives Charlos the scolding he deserves. The slap in the face is why the episode is rated so highly by fans. The world aristocrats are finally getting their just punishment!

    4th place: Gear 4! The phenomenal Boundman!

  • Episode: 726
  • User Ratings: 8,013
  • Arc: Dressrosa
  • Doflamingo has built a huge birdcage around Dressrosa, which gradually shrinks in size over time. Many civilians therefore flee to the middle of the cage to avoid being cut by the razor-sharp threads that make up the cage.

    Meanwhile, Luffy faces Doflamingo. He was already able to defeat Trafalgar Law and cut off his arm. But the dwarves Moncherry and Leo manage to sew the arm back on.

    The highlight of the episode is undoubtedly the first use of Luffy’s Gear 4. Luffy covers his arms with armor haki and inflates them. His upper body gets bigger and bigger and he starts bouncing on his legs like a bouncy ball. Using a Gum Gum Kong Gun, he shows Doflamingo his new powers and punches him through to the lower streets of the city.
