These American companies generate more than half of French internet traffic

These American companies generate more than half of French internet

American firms are successful with French internet traffic. A report places Netflix, GAFAM and generative AI in the lead.

For several years, the habits of the French in terms of internet consumption have clearly turned towards the most influential players in global traffic. It is American companies, and not French ones, which dominate internet traffic.

A report of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (ARCEP), published on July 4, 2024, confirms these trends. A particularly revealing figure shows that in 2023, 53% of internet traffic in France came from five major players: Netflix, Akamai, Google, Meta and Amazon. According to Arcep, this phenomenon is encouraged by the growing habit of watching films and series, as well as by the increased use of social networks.

It should be noted that the American streaming platform Netflix alone represents 15.3% of French users’ internet traffic. However, this figure is slightly down from the 20% it represented in 2022. Just behind, the American server operator occupies 12.3% of internet traffic, recording an increase of 3% compared to 2022. Google completes the podium with a 9.8% share of French internet traffic in 2023.

The report also addresses a growing topic: artificial intelligence. According to the authority, this tool represents “a new gateway to the internet“. It is mentioned that many internet users mainly use the chatbot”ChatGPT” OpenAI to access various content. Further proof of the dominance of OpenAI’s solution on the market.
