These 7 phrases indicate your partner is hiding something from you, according to a relationship expert

These 7 phrases indicate your partner is hiding something from

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    Just because your partner doesn’t talk much doesn’t mean he’s necessarily hiding a big secret. But certain ways of responding may indicate that he’s not completely open about a discussion or that he’s avoiding something. A relationship expert has compiled 7 phrases that should ring a bell.

    Is your partner hiding something from you? While it is common for a man to keep a lot of things to himself, it also happens that he tries to cover his tracks and seeks to avoid discussion… So as not to have to justify himself. “It’s not necessarily about manipulating you, but about continuing to control your narrative while avoiding the truth.” says Tina Fey, a relationship expert at Hack Spirit. And in this case there are sentences more revealing than others. “This does not mean that he is lying to you, cheating on you, or that you should be wary of your partner, but rather that it is time to encourage open communication. Here are 7 phrases to know.

    “It’s okay, I’m just tired.”

    Let’s not get carried away: this sentence can absolutely come into play after a long day, when the gentleman is indeed tired, or even grumpy. But when that phrase becomes a mantra, an automatic response, it could be a sign that your spouse is avoiding a deeper conversation or trying to keep you at arm’s length. “Men are often conditioned to suppress their emotional needs. So when faced with something difficult or troubling, they may default to saying they’re just tired, rather than opening up about what’s really going on. says Tina Fey. So there is not necessarily deception behind this, but sometimes self-protection. But if you feel like this phrase is overused, it might be worth digging a little deeper into the discussion…. in a calmer moment.

    “You think too much”

    You start a serious discussion and you receive this response? This may be a red flag. Of course, there are times when we actually overanalyze a situation. But if your spouse constantly dismisses your worries as “overthinking,” it could mean he’s trying to divert your attention from something he’d rather you not focus on. While finely shifting the subject to… you.

    “Do trust your instinct and remember, it’s okay to question things in a relationship – it shows you care!” advises the expert.

    “Why are you always so insecure?”

    Here again, the blow is real. It is natural and normal to experience fears within our relationships, and these need to be addressed sensitively. But if your man regularly calls you “insecure,” it could be a defense mechanism to hide something. “Saying you’re ‘always insecure’ is a way of shifting blame, causing you to question your feelings and judgments. It’s a classic move to escape responsibility and throw you off balance.” reveals the expert. This is also what we call gaslighting, by the way.

    If you hear this phrase a lot, there may be something he’s trying to keep out of sight. “Don’t let it undermine your feelings or your instincts. Your emotions are valid and you have every right to express them.” recalls the author.

    “I do not wanna talk about it”

    Simple and effective, this refusal to accept is clear. And indeed, we all have times when we are not ready to talk about something. But if “I don’t want to talk about it” becomes your partner’s preferred response, it could mean they’re trying to hide something from you. “Men are often taught to suppress their feelings, so it’s possible that he simply has trouble expressing what’s going on inside him. But it can also be a tool of escapism – a way to avoid an uncomfortable truth.” continues Tina Fey.

    There’s not much left to do in this case except let him know that you are there for him and are willing to listen whenever he is ready to share.

    “It’s not so bad”

    We’ve all had those moments where we try to minimize things. But when “It doesn’t matter” becomes a regular part of his vocabulary, it can also be a sign that he’s hiding something. “This phrase is often used to dismiss concerns and avoid deeper discussions.”. But paradoxically, when we specify that something is “not serious” for a moment, it can mean on the contrary that something important is happening in your spouse’s life. So if you hear this phrase a lot, don’t hesitate to dig a little deeper. “Because what’s “no big deal” to him, might actually be a big deal to your relationship.”

    “Let’s not fight”

    Ostensibly, “Let’s not fight” seems like a mature, thoughtful response. But if used every time you raise a concern or disagreement, it could also be a way to avoid serious problems. “This phrase can be used as a method to control the narrative, ignore your feelings, and stop a conversation before it even begins. specifies the expert. However, this is an easy escape for facing difficult truths or accepting responsibilities. Keep in mind, however, that healthy relationships are those in which you can express your feelings without fear of starting an “argument.” If you hear this phrase a lot, it might be worth taking a closer look at what he’s trying to avoid.

    “You’re just sensitive.”

    And here is the return of gaslighting in style! By avoiding a discussion with this phrase, your partner is causing a direct impact on your emotions and questioning the validity of your feelings. “It’s a phrase often used to distract from the real problem and focus on your reaction.” confirms the expert. Again, it’s important to remember that your feelings are valid. Your concerns are valid. And if this phrase keeps coming up, it mainly means that he is not entirely open with you. And it is still high time to open a safer space for communication between you!

    Couple: 10 phrases to never say to your man!

    Slide: Couple: 10 phrases to never say to your man!
