These 7 good resolutions that the French want to make for 2024

These 7 good resolutions that the French want to make

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    At the start of the year, it’s time to include new resolutions in your daily life. In a survey, IPSOS reveals the main objectives of the French in 2024. Discover the 7 most popular resolutions!

    At the beginning of December, IPSOS carried out a survey for the French Federation of Physical Education and Voluntary Gymnastics (FFEPGV). This reveals the ranking of good resolutions made by the French for the new year. Although these vary according to the age and gender of the participants, we note that they are based in particular on well-being. Doctissimo shares with you the 7 most common good resolutions.

    1) Exercise regularly

    Concerned about their physical well-being and their health, more than a third of the French (34%) want to return to sport by adopting regular physical activity in 2024. This resolution is therefore once again at the top of the ranking This year. The reason ? Improved mental health, better self-esteem and reduced anxiety… The French know that there are only benefits to practicing regular physical activity!

    2) Spend more time with loved ones

    In second place, the French want to spend more time with their loved ones. Indeed, quickly overwhelmed by their daily lives, 23% of them would like to increase the opportunities to see their friends and family. If you feel concerned, organize yourself and plan a weekend with your best friends, a workout with your mom or get your family together at a restaurant. If your loved ones live far from home, this is an opportunity to plan a stay nearby or at their home. Don’t hesitate to send out invitations for them to come see you for a few days.

    With loved ones who live near you, why not set up a weekly or monthly meeting together? It could be breakfast, an evening at a restaurant or a shopping trip! Indeed, the list of examples is long to enjoy a good time with your loved ones.

    3) Treat yourself to real moments of relaxation

    In a daily life that goes a thousand miles an hour, 23% of French people feel the need to take a break from time to time. There are many ways to recharge your batteries. Why not treat yourself to an afternoon at the spa, a yoga session or a hair appointment? Want to stay at home? Make a mask for your hair or skin, take a bath or try a new cooking recipe! Need fresh air? Then opt for a walk in the forest or a trip to the beach.

    4) Have a more regular sleep schedule

    Among the French people surveyed, 22% would like to have a better sleep schedule. Indeed, more and more people are aware of the benefits of a good night’s sleep. A regular rhythm allows the body and the organism to recover properly and thus stay healthy. How to implement this resolution? You must apply a few rules such as limiting screen time before sleeping, respecting regular sleep schedules and avoiding late nights which disrupt your rhythm. By always going to bed and getting up at the same times, your body and brain will create habits and thus regulate your internal clock.

    5) Eat more balanced

    In fifth position in the ranking, comes the desire to eat a more balanced diet, for 20% of French people. Some well-known golden rules for those who also want to pay attention to their diet: favor vegetables, drink only water and in larger quantities, limit processed and overly sweet foods. Like the other resolutions in the ranking, eating a better diet is a way to take care of your health and increase your well-being.

    6) Take more care of your body

    For 19% of French people, this year it is essential to take care of their body. Adopting skincare for your entire body is one of the essential beauty trends in 2024. Don’t wait any longer to get a new look and invest in quality products to exfoliate, purify and hydrate your body!

    7) Limit screens

    In the same logic as the resolution to have more regular sleep, limiting screens is also an objective for the French in 2024. The reasons? Screens play an important part in everyone’s daily life and in particular increase the difficulty in concentrating and falling asleep. If you are part of the 17% of French people attracted by this resolution, you can start replacing your screen consumption with reading, for example.

    10 good fitness resolutions for 2024

    Slide: 10 good fitness resolutions for 2024
