These 7 behaviors create resentment within your relationship (and can lead to clashes)

These 7 behaviors create resentment within your relationship and can

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    In a relationship, certain seemingly harmless behaviors can actually fuel resentment. Little things that accumulate and create tension between partners, sometimes to the point of pushing them to break up. Here are the ones.

    One might believe that in a couple, it is the major crises that are most damaging to the relationship. But in reality, small misunderstandings and other daily disappointments weigh heavily, to the point of fueling resentment in the relationship between the two parties. Here are the behaviors to avoid at all costs.

    Not appreciating others at their true value

    Feeling valued and appreciated by your partner is important in a relationship. Lack of appreciation from your partner is one of the reasons that can lead to resentment. While it is easy to avoid. Saying thank you after the other person has taken the time to empty the dishwasher or put away the laundry costs nothing and creates a feeling of gratitude towards your other half.

    Communicate poorly

    Everyone knows: communication is essential in a relationship. Indeed, communicating well is important, because if the other person does not know what is expected of them, it is easy to be disappointed. This leads to frustrations and misunderstandings, sources of resentment. So be sure to clearly express your wants, needs and feelings, so as not to let them become the subject of misunderstanding.

    Not spending enough (quality) time together

    The couple is made up of little things and in particular shared moments, which must be pleasant. But between work, cleaning, shopping and children, it’s difficult to make time for two. But no longer spending enough time together disconnects the couple, too, which can lead to a form of resentment on the part of one of the members, who may feel abandoned or neglected. Take advantage of your little moments of freedom, in the evening when the children are in bed for example, to find yourself.

    Avoid difficult conversations

    Sometimes, due to lack of energy or fear of confrontation, we can be tempted to put off difficult subjects until later, or even never broach them. However, this does not resolve them, on the contrary, and the situation can only get worse. It can also lead to resentment in the relationship, as one or both partners may feel misunderstood. So have these conversations, because although the moment will be difficult, once you overcome it, your relationship will emerge healthier and stronger.

    Lack of emotional support

    In difficult times, we expect from our other half the unconditional support that we deserve. More than that of other people elsewhere. But when our partner abandons us or is not understanding of what we are going through, we can quickly wonder about our relationship and question it, with deep resentment. It is essential to share the good times and the bad times with each other to avoid this.

    Expect the same in return

    When we do something well, we expect the other to do the same, almost as if it were a give-and-take relationship. However, functioning in this way in a couple can lead to feeling resentful towards one’s partner if he or she does not function in this way.

    You must keep in mind that a relationship is not a game where you count the good points. On the contrary, it is essential to maintain a selfless relationship, without expecting anything in return.

    Not respecting each other’s personal space

    In a relationship, you must remember that you are not just one, but that your spouse is also a whole person, who has his or her own needs and interests. It is essential to keep this in mind, because the opposite can lead to a form of resentment.

    Indeed, you have to leave time for the other person, who for their part may have activities or friendships outside of your relationship, for example. In short, show empathy by putting yourself in their place.

    Breakup: 8 signs that the couple is over

    Slide: Breakup: 8 signs that the couple is over
