these 5 major legislative projects which risk being forgotten – L’Express

these 5 major legislative projects which risk being forgotten –

By dissolving the National Assembly on Sunday June 9, Emmanuel Macron not only “dismissed” 577 deputies, he also ratified the closure of no less than thirty parliamentary works. Half are projects or legislative proposals currently under examination, which could, in the event of a change of majority following the legislative elections, never see the light of day. L’Express takes stock.

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End of life law

The most superstitious will say of this text that it is cursed. After being postponed indefinitely for months, the bill on “assisted dying” was about to be voted on. Euthanasia, openness to advance directives, offense of obstruction of assisted suicide… Its promise: to go further than the Clayes-Leonetti law of 2016, which is limited to authorizing deep and continuous sedation until death.

READ ALSO: End of life: this measure at the heart of the bill which provokes lively debate

Promise prevented. Only six of the 21 articles of the text could be adopted during the two weeks of debates which were to continue this week in the Assembly. But Emmanuel Macron decided otherwise. As with the rest of the parliamentary work, examination of the text was stopped dead in its tracks. And with it, the societal reform supposed to crown his second term.

So, we can always say that the five-year term is not over, that work can resume after July 7. Unless the French entrust Jordan Bardella with the keys to Matignon. Because the National Rally has already made it known that it would not take up the text if it came to power. In which case, we could definitively assure it: the bill on the end of life is indeed cursed.

Electoral reform in New Caledonia

After having survived the Senate, the National Assembly, and more than a month of riots and urban violence which left eight dead, we thought she was indestructible. And yet, the electoral reform in New Caledonia, which planned to expand the Kanak electorate, did not survive the explosion caused by the dissolution.

READ ALSO: New Caledonia, story of thirty months of spiraling: misunderstandings, betrayals and appointments

Entangled in an institutional crisis that he himself provoked, Emmanuel Macron announced the suspension this Wednesday at the Cambon Capucines pavilion, in Paris, in front of the press. “We cannot leave ambiguity in the period. It must be suspended to allow all its force to the dialogue on site and the return to order,” he insisted in a serious tone.

Law for the governance of public broadcasting

The public broadcasting merger project also fell through. Defended tooth and nail by Rachida Dati, the super holding company “France Média” was to become the new home of no less than four subsidiaries: France Télévision, Radio France, France Médias Monde (RFI and France 24) and the INA. “The return of the ORTF”, the opponents of the reform grumbled.

And the Minister of Culture responded with the confidence we know: “the ORTF, sorry, I may shock you, but what did that do? When you have a working parent who watched ‘Les Dossiers of the screen’ and that the next day, he could talk in his factory with his boss about the ‘Screen File’ because he had watched it, you don’t believe that it is very strong to have a common culture?

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However, be careful not to rejoice too quickly: one of the executives of the RN Sébastien Chenu confirmed Monday on the air of BFM TV that he wishes to orchestrate “rapidly” the privatization of public broadcasting in the event of victory of the National Rally in the legislative elections anticipated. Enough to make the detractors of “France Médias” regret Rachida Dati and her “ORTF”…

Unemployment insurance reform

And what about the unemployment insurance reform which promises to tighten the conditions of access to compensation? Almost ready for use, it was about to be installed on July 1st. But that was before Emmanuel Macron pulled out the dissolution card.

So the President of the Republic evaded on Wednesday: “It must be resumed. Afterwards, should it go through the Assembly? Should it go through a decree? We will see it the next day ” of the ballot. Filigree, There is a time for everything. And until July 7, it is “electoral time” that governs, the master of clocks made clear.

READ ALSO: Unemployment insurance: the unspoken objective of Gabriel Attal

What was the surprise, then, when Gabriel Attal announced this Thursday morning the gestation of a decree which would reduce the duration of compensation to 15 months for unemployed people under 57 (compared to 18 months for those under 53 today). ‘today). And which the executive should give birth “by July 1”. Just long enough for it to be examined by the Council of State…

The autonomy status of Corsica

Certainly one of the most sensitive texts with the reform of the electoral body in New Caledonia, as a single misstep would be enough to ignite the Corsican separatists. So far, everything was going well. The constitutional reform project providing for “a status of autonomy within the Republic” of the Isle of Beauty was adopted at the end of March by the Consular Assembly without much difficulty.

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Problem is, if Jordan Bardella signs a lease in Matignon at the end of the July 7 vote, the text, which must still pass through the hands of deputies and senators, could well be aborted. Until now, the senatorial right and the far right have shown their reluctance towards this constitutional reform. Thus leaving little chance for the text to survive. And Gérald Darmanin to see months of tough negotiations go up in smoke.

And the others :

The affordable housing bill which provided for an increase in the production of intermediate housing, the simplification of administrative procedures, and even the broadening of the skills of local elected officials.

The proposed transpartisan law on furnished tourist accommodation Who provided for the supervision of Airbnb-type tourist rentals for the benefit of permanent housing

The proposed law on PFAS to ban the manufacture, import, export and placing on the market of eternal pollutants by 2026 in certain products (cosmetics, waxes, clothing, shoes, etc.)

The agricultural orientation bill which notably provided for the simplification of regulations, but also the creation of a national orientation and discovery program for agricultural professions to encourage young people to get involved in the sector

The bill on the simplification of economic life intended to implement around thirty simplification measures for the operation of companies: reduction of administrative procedures, redefinition of the relationship between the administration and the company, etc.

The bill against fast fashion intended to reduce pollution from the textile industry by creating an ecological penalty and banning advertising.

The proposed organic law for financing public broadcasting aiming to define a new method of financing public audiovisual entities

The proposed law on the intervention of consulting firms in public policies which provided for greater transparency and better supervision of this practice

The bill on the greening of automobile fleets whose objective is to reach 90% of the vehicle fleet “with very low emissions” by 2032

The proposed law on bank charges linked to an inheritance which provides, among other things, free inheritance fees for accounts with an amount of less than 5,000 euros. The text was voted unanimously by both chambers on first reading.

The proposed law on the financing of French defense companies which planned to direct part of the Livret A and sustainable development and solidarity booklets towards the financing of French defense companies.
