These 5 Habits You Think Are Healthy Are Actually Aging You Prematurely

These 5 Habits You Think Are Healthy Are Actually Aging

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    Be careful, certain behaviors that we adopt to maintain our body would actually make us age faster! Here are five habits that we think are healthy, but are not.

    Playing sports, taking care of your diet… To stay young and healthy for as long as possible, some people adopt different behaviors. But some of these habits, which they think are healthy, actually accelerate their aging. Here are the ones.

    Have an obsession with cardio (and forget about weight training!)

    Many people still think that to stay young and healthy, you need to do cardio. Maintaining your heart is essential, but this training, to be effective on the body, must be combined with bodybuilding exercises.

    Indeed, without it, exercise can accelerate the aging process as well as muscle loss. “This is known as sarcopenia and it’s completely normal, but if you do too much cardio this process speeds up” explains Dr. Riddhi Makrubiya, doctoral student in medicine, responding to the media Your Tango.

    If one fails to incorporate strength training into their routine at least two or three times a week, cardio will be destructive to the muscles since the body will form muscle catabolism, meaning it will break down its muscles to produce energy.

    Consume juice regularly

    Remember when everyone loved juice, incorporating it into their day as a healthy morning habit?” asks the expert. “If fruits and vegetables are good for health, in juices there is no fibersbut simply sugar. So not only does your blood sugar level increase, but the feeling of satiety that dietary fiber provides is lost”. It’s better to eat whole fruits, she advises.

    Constantly avoid the sun

    If excessive sun exposure is harmful to health, staying constantly out of the sun causes us to be deficient in vitamin D.” warns the specialist.

    For her, it is rather advisable to expose yourself to the sun for short periods (10 to 15 minutes), several times a week. She also recommends vitamin D supplementation for people who need it.

    Having an excessive dependence on dietary supplements

    Taking a whole series of food supplements is a “habit that may not be as beneficial as people think” believes Dr. Riddhi Makrubiya. “Some supplements are very useful, but the fact is that some of them, if taken in high doses, can harm the liver, thus leading to premature aging.

    She recalls the importance of “consume nutrient-rich foods instead of relying on dietary supplements“and of”talk with a doctor before taking any new supplements”.

    Constantly use air conditioning

    Air conditioning is helpful during the warmer months, but this constant exposure to cold air accelerates the aging of the skin by stripping away moisture.” explains the expert. “This significantly contributes to the development of fine lines and wrinkles because dry skin is less supple. So, the dry air you breathe can also weaken the protective and moisturizing top layer of your skin.”

    The doctoral student therefore advises using a humidifier to help increase the humidity content of the room, when you are in an air-conditioned place. Without forgetting to hydrate well by drinking but also by applying a moisturizing cream to your skin, to limit these negative effects.

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