Some features, systems and mechanics from online role-playing games are so good that they should be used in every new MMORPG. In this special you will find ten such killer features that MeinMMO would never want to do without again.
Anyone who has played numerous MMORPGs over the past decades will probably be able to come up with a few of them immediately if asked: features that are so good, clever and fun-enhancing that they should be used in every online role-playing game.
In this special, the MeinMMO editorial team presents you with ten such systems worth emulating from the best genre in the world, with the hope that MMORPG fans will never have to ask themselves again in the future: “Why didn’t they solve this like in game X?” or “Why isn’t the great feature from game Y here, wouldn’t it make sense?”
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The best MMORPGs of all time for PC and console
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The mount system from Guild Wars 2
Mounts and flying animals may be old hat in MMORPGs, but Guild Wars 2 has been showing in an impressive way for years how positively it affects the gaming experience when you don’t just bombard players with countless mounts (skins), but give the animals a meaningful and clever gaming base.
The great way in which the mounts are implemented in Guild Wars 2 makes it great fun to explore the numerous regions of the MMORPG. So much fun that Blizzard copied some of it for dragon riding from Dragonflight. Good thing!
If crafting, then like in Final Fantasy XIV
Collecting resources and crafting items is not fun in many MMORPGs. The professions are too simple, and too often the items produced cannot compete with rewards from other areas of the game.
A positive exception to this rule has made it to number 1 in the MeinMMO ranking of the best crafting systems. Final Fantasy XIV treats the professions like real classes. You gain experience, level up and learn new skills and improvements. There are also special equipment, quests and consumables such as buff food for the professions.
If you want to produce high-level products of the best possible quality, you have to use the right skills at the right time. Simple tasks, however, can be automated with sufficient experience. This basic framework makes the professional careers in the Square MMORPG feel motivating and worthwhile.