Thermal insulation: what is it?

Thermal insulation what is it

I’insulation thermal insulation aims to prevent the transfer of heat between a hot environment and a cold environment.

Thermal insulation: the elements to be insulated

The doorsthe Windowsfloors and exterior walls of a construction constitute thermal bridges, that is to say points of heat transfer. It is on these points that thethermal insulation. Ideally, a well-insulated house retains heat by winter and coolness in summer.

Thermal insulation: standards and materials

In France, the norm TR 2005 previously set the principles of thermal insulation with a view to limiting the consumption ofenergy due to heating, since March 2012 it is the RT 2012 standard. When it comes to wall insulation, a distinction is made between interior insulation, exterior insulation and built-in insulation. The insulating materials used for thermal insulation works are the insulators minerals (glass woolRock, pearlite), natural insulation (hemp, fiber woodwool, feathers, etc.), synthetic insulation (polystyrenepolyurethane), but more and more new materials are being used, such as Monomur bricksthe aerogelsthe Aerated concrete or vacuum insulation panels.

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