Therese Johaug scolds Frida Karlsson after the World Cup miss

Therese Johaug came only third on the five -mile in Trondheim and left the target area badly after the finish.
She was furious at the World Cup gold medalist Frida Karlsson.
– I was so tired of Frida going on my skis time and time again, she tells TV2.

It was Therese Johaugs Big goals in this World Cup to win the five -mile. She was a long time in the cluster struggling for the victory, but in the end there was only a bronze medal for the 36-year-old.

Therese Johaug’s anger toward Frida

After the finish, she weathered her dissatisfaction with how the gold medalist Frida Karlsson drove during the race.
– I was so tired of Frida going on my skis time and time again. It is so unnecessary when you walk in such a small group, but she eventually gave up, Norwegian tells TV2.

GUIDE: Everything you need to know about Ski World Cup 2025: Schedule and TV times for all races

She then left the area in anger. Her big dream was crushed.
– I just lift the ski and get no answer. I went for gold and had the opportunity, but I was not strong enough at the end. Today Frida and Heidi were better, says Therese Johaug.

The words about Johaug in Norway

After the five -mile, Johaug was seen in the Norwegian press. Her World Cup is described as a failure – her comeback as a disappointment.
-Therese was outclassed by Frida today, says the NRK expert Martin Johnsrud Sundby.
– She’s disappointed. She had dreamed of gold here today, and she didn’t get that, says TV 2 expert Petter Northug.

Read more: Mom Mia’s emotional words about Frida Karlsson

– Therese has not received the race in the rhythm she wanted, says Petter Solng Skinstad Which is also TV 2 expert.
-This is frustrating for Johaug, says the NRK expert Torgeir Bjørn.

Congratulations to your World Cup gold, Frida Karlsson! So big and good job! You are absolutely amazing!

