There’s only one correct explanation, and it’s pretty scary

Theres only one correct explanation and its pretty scary

The story in Avatar 2: The Way of Water is simple and straight forward. Humans are attacking Earth, the Na’vi must defend their homeland. Only one thing remains open: The film presents the origin of the character Kiri (Sigourney Weaver) as a great mystery. Who is Kiri’s father? We can easily answer the question if we…

  • (1) … leave the earthly Pandora world
  • (2) … and take a closer look at a central scene from Avatar 1.
  • Then there is only one logical answer from the sum of all the clues and we will explain it to you in this article.

    The facts: What is known about Kiri?

  • Kiri is 14 years old
  • She was made out of Dr. Born to Grace Augustine’s dead avatar body
  • Jake and Neytiri raised her as an adopted daughter
  • Kiri has a deep connection to Eywa, the godlike nature entity on Pandora
  • Kiri’s father in Avatar 2: Her origins explained step by step

    20th Century Fox


    1. Avatar 2 suggests that Kiri came into being through immaculate conception

    Avatar 2 answers the question about Kiri’s father clearly ambiguous: There isn’t one. The film alludes to an “Immaculate Conception”. Grace’s pregnancy seems to just…happened. Grace Augustine did not have sexual partners who could have been responsible for Kiri’s generation. Kiri’s friends Spider and Lo’ak only joke about it.

    2. Kiri’s existence is closely linked to Eywa, so is her origin

    Kiri is closely related to the nature of Pandora. She involuntarily falls asleep in the grass and spends hours watching sand in the water. In an intimate conversation, Kiri confesses to her adoptive father, Jake, how close she feels to Eywa. As she bonds with Eywa at the Spirit Tree, she suffers a dangerous seizure – as if her young mind and body could not handle the power flowing through her. During her seizure, she experiences a vision: she encounters her dead human mother, Dr. Grace Augustine. How come? We fill this gap with the crucial third step.

    20th Century Fox

    3. Avatar 1 gives us the explanation of Kiri’s origins on a silver platter

    Flashback: In Avatar, Dr. Grace Augustine in the finals from an injury. However, her life is to be saved. The Tsahìk, the chief shaman of the Na’vi, intends to transfer Augustine’s spirit from her dying human body into her sane avatar body irrevocably. “All She Is”according to the Tsahìk, should be through that “Eye of Eywa Go” and return to the avatar. Here you can see the operation:

    20th Century Fox

    This is where Kiri is conceived

    The procedure fails. The researcher dies and reveals with her last breaths that she is now with Eywa. But it is obvious at this moment anything happens. Eywa certainly has “everything Dr. Grace Augustine is”, transferred to their avatar. But not in the spiritual, but in the biological sense.

    4. From this follows the only logical and rather spooky explanation for Kiri’s origins

    Eywa has Grace Augustine”pregnantShe transplanted Augustine’s DNA into her brain-dead avatar body, where Kiri eventually grew and was born. It’s no coincidence that Sigourney Weaver plays both characters in the original: Dr. Grace Augustine and Kiri. Kiri is Augustine’s clone and daughter at the same time.

    This also explains Kiri’s close bond with Eywa. After all, the deity controlled the whole process. In a metaphorical sense, you could Eywa even considered Kiri’s parent. In a similar way to how Jesus is the Son of God in the Bible.

    If you want to read more about Kiri’s superpowers and what they mean for the future of Avatar, you can do so here.

    When will Avatar 3 be in theaters?

    Avatar 3 was recently postponed along with all other future parts and is now coming in December 2025. Avatar 4 is coming in December 2029, Avatar 5 in December 2031.
