There’s one little thing to do every day if you don’t want to become bitter as you get older

Theres one little thing to do every day if you

With age, behavior changes and sometimes some people become difficult to live with. However, it is not inevitable.

Growing old is not always easy to accept. However, everyone goes through it. Behavior changes with age, but if you don’t want to become bitter, there are certain attitudes to favor and others that are best avoided now. This will increase your chances of avoiding becoming the cantankerous grandpa or grandma of the neighborhood.

According to Lachlan Brown, expert in psychology and human relations, with Hack Spirityou must above all take care of yourself and think about your personal well-being. This is not being selfish and it is even necessary. “When we take care of ourselves, we show that we value ourselves. And when we value ourselves, others are more likely to value us as well,” explains the specialist.

Likewise, it is important not to hesitate to assert yourself. The expert calls for not avoiding confrontations when they prove to be respectful and constructive. He also equates it with stopping asking for forgiveness all the time. Through these two attitudes, you underestimate yourself or bully yourself. They can also lead to resentment which will impact your relationships.

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Asserting yourself also involves “knowing your value and defending it”. “If something is not working for you in your life, you have the right to express your concerns and seek to improve,” explains Lachlan Brown. This does not mean, however, that you should not remain empathetic. You have to find the right balance.

Another important aspect: communication. You should not hesitate to express your gratitude and your feelings, because often, this is how others reciprocate. Positive attracts positive. The psychologist Amélie Boukhobza advises, with Doctissimoa little exercise to put this philosophy of life into practice: “every day, write down three things for which you are grateful, including very small things (the smile of a person, a small attention, the sound of the waves or the sun…). It can help you see life a little differently.”

Certain signs can also alert you to the fact that you are starting to become bitter. Be careful, especially if you complain all the time or are very easily resentful. Ruminating on past mistakes won’t move you forward. We must also accept change, transformations and reap the present benefits. Also be careful, if you always look for the little beast, even in the most profitable situations, this will cause you to enter a circle of negativity.
