Therefore, your cat is picky about its food – may be in a hurry

Therefore your cat is picky about its food may

Cats form food preferences early in life, but they can become pickier with age. Then it can feel both worrying and frustrating.

According to the vet Jonna Woodnutt so there is often a hidden reason why your cat is fussy with its food. Some reasons can be more alarming than others, she writes in an article for Spot radar.

Before you try to encourage your cat to eat, it is good to find out why he is picky about his food. If it’s really bad, you have to act quickly. Here is her advice for investigating your cat’s lack of appetite.

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Problems at home

According to Jonna Woodnutt, there can be several reasons why the cat refuses to eat already at home. Cats have a fantastic sense of taste, so if they feel that the food is going bad, they can avoid eating it.

It could be that you accidentally left the packaging of the dry food open, which has caused them to lose some of their taste. Therefore, she believes that it can be good to store the food in airtight containers away from light.

Even the food bowl can affect the cat’s appetite. The cat’s whiskers are very sensitive. If the edges of the food bowl are too high, they can cause the cat to get whisker fatigue, which can lead to your friend stopping eating and drinking.

Cats are very sensitive to contamination and may even scratch the food bowl if it is too dirty. Jonna Woodnutt recommends rinsing it daily to keep it clean and nice for them.

It may also be that the cat stops eating because it feels stressed in its surroundings. If it’s a cat in a multi-cat household or a neighborhood cat that’s bullying, it can be very uncomfortable for them to eat. Try to give them a private place to eat.

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Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TTThen it’s serious

A cat that stops eating or loses its appetite can be a warning sign that your cat is ill. They may still eat a little, but because they feel sick or in pain, they don’t eat as much as usual.

This may look like they are picky, but in fact they are feeling bad. If your cat is still eating its food but just less of it, a vet visit is usually necessary.

It is also not uncommon for cats to have problems with their teeth. A cat that is in pain may have difficulty chewing, which can be perceived as being picky about its food.

According to Jonna Woodnutt, a sign of a toothache can be that the cat goes from dry food to wet food (or vice versa) or seems to eat more slowly and lose food. If your cat has problems, you need to visit a veterinarian.

If your cat loses its appetite more suddenly and becomes increasingly uncontactable, you must act quickly. According to the animal clinic AniCura this could indicate that your cat is very ill. It could be anything from it eating something poisonous to an infection in the body.

According to AniCura, your cat is at risk of developing conic problems with the liver if it goes without food for too long. A cat should not be without food for more than a few days. If it takes longer, you should contact a veterinarian.

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The cat is deceiving you

Cats like to go their own way. And if you have an outdoor cat, it is not entirely impossible that it got food elsewhere if it refuses to eat what is served at home.

If someone else in the family brings them the best cat treats or a neighbor feeds your cat, they won’t be hungry for their dinner.

Try asking your neighbors if anyone is feeding them. Or a special “do not feed” collar can help if they go further afield for their extra meal.

Jonna Woodnutt also believes that it could be as simple as your cat simply waiting to eat something better

If you have been giving treats and your cat has come to expect them, they are very capable of holding out for something better. She recommends trying to resist the temptation to top off their meal or replace it if you think this might be the cause.

Otherwise, you will be stuck in a cycle where you constantly want to give your four-legged friend something extra.


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