British garden expert Chris Ware gives an unexpected tip for keeping the garden as nice as possible. A tip that is both cheap and environmentally friendly.
It can be difficult to create a nice garden that one must then maintain, while there are different types of pests that want to destroy one. There are different types of pesticides you can use with them can be both expensive and not always so good for the environment.
Now has the garden expert Chris Ware told to the British newspaper Express About a new trick that is both cheap and kind to the environment.
According to him, the secret to a healthy and prosperous garden is just tea bags. They contain tanic acid which in tea contributes with taste and character, but which are also filled with nutrients that improve the earth.
– Tea bags contain useful substances that improve the soil structure, retain moisture and provide plants with important nutrients, says Ware.
They work especially well to get a prosperous lawn. It is a cost -effective and environmentally friendly alternative to other treatments. By digging down using tea bags just below the ground, the moisture of the earth is maintained, which supports a fine and green lawn. A simple trick that can also reduce the risk of mushrooms in the lawn.
Keeps the pests away
In addition, tea bags are a natural and effective way to keep pests such as snails away from one’s garden.
– The strong scent from the tea bags is unpleasant for the snails, making it an effective way to deter them, he says.
By placing tea bags around the discount and the vegetable plants you can let their plants grow in peace. If you want to hide the tea bags you can put some soil, they will still do their job.
But tea bags are not the only cheap and environmentally friendly council Chris Ware provides for a healthy garden. Also banana peel can help your garden thrive. Their potassium, calcium and phosphorus can help the plants grow. There he tips on splitting the banana scale and digging them around the roots of the plants to boost the plants.