Therefore, you should not rinse your apples under the tap

Therefore you should not rinse your apples under the tap

Rinsing your fruit is something you should do, even if it’s organic fruit you bought home.

Fruits have bacteria and microorganisms on them, regardless of whether they are organic or not. You can risk ingesting these if you don’t rinse the fruit.

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The fruit may be contaminated

According to Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham, professor of food hygiene at Örebro University and also known from the TV program “Rent hus”, fruit and vegetables are usually sprayed with contaminated water to make them look fresh in stores.

– We have had some problems with food poisoning from imported arugula, sprouts, baby spinach and herbs. They are sometimes watered with polluted water due to water scarcity. Some vegetables are sprayed with water to look clean and fresh, but that water is often also contaminated, she said in an interview with The care guide.

Even pre-rinsed lettuce in a bag should be rinsed off, she believes. The reason is that they “bleed” plant sap that bacteria like and can thrive in.

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This is how you should rinse your apples

To get rid of all the sprays and bacteria on your fruit, you have to wash it. But not by rinsing it under the tap.

In a 2017 study published in “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” namely, it was concluded that if you immersed the apples in a solution of baking soda and water for 15 minutes, the two pesticides tested disappeared completely from the apples, which they did not do with just water.

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Therefore, you should not rinse your apples under the tap

Rinsing off one’s apples directly under the tap with running water was therefore not as effective a way to remove the toxins.

So if you want less poison on your apples, it is better to put them in a baking soda solution for 15 minutes.

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