Therefore, you should never pick rhubarb directly after midsummer

Therefore you should never pick rhubarb directly after midsummer

Midsummer weekend has been and summer is in full swing. The weather is sunny and warm and all the plants and flowers are growing so that it cracks in the summer heat.

Some varieties of strawberries and tomatoes are even ready to harvest now. News24 has previously written about how to go about getting plenty of fruit on your tomatoes this summer.

READ MORE: That way you get a lot of fruit on your tomato plants

The rhubarb has started to grow

Even the rhubarb has come up with plump leaves and more stems. However, you should not pick the stems that grow up just after midsummer.

The hortologist and the plant expert Maj-Lis Pettersson explains in TV4’s “Nyhetsmorgon” why it is so.

– The number of leaves is what I count, she explains the program.


Therefore, you should ALWAYS store your tomatoes upside down

This is how you get rid of vermin on your pallet leaves – the plant expert advises

Therefore, you should not pick rhubarb after midsummer

She believes that you have to let your rhubarb grow in size and get many large leaves before you can start “taxing”.

– They need to charge for quite a long time, it can be several years. It depends on how well it thrives, says Maj-Lis Pettersson i News morning and continues:

– And why shouldn’t you take them after midsummer then? Well, it’s because they need charging. The roots need nourishment, so that’s why you shouldn’t remove too much.

READ MORE: Therefore, you should leave the dandelions in the grass
