Therefore you should never drink hot tap water

Therefore you should never drink hot tap water

There are a number of different things we heard from our parents while growing up. Some are true – some are not true.

It has been everything from getting square eyes if you sit too close to the TV, that you should definitely not swim immediately after eating and that you should not have lit in the back of the car when the driver, who was often the father, does not see the way then.

This with having to wait to swim after eating is actually a myth. The fear of eating too close to bathing is to be able to suffer from cramps or the like.

– As far as I know, there is not a single documented case where a drowning is caused by a full stomach, the researcher said Emma Frans to Svenska Dagbladet.

Another old myth many parents run on is that Coca-Cola should be good when you are stomach ailment. The truth is that there is nothing in Coca-Cola that would do it all better than, for example, juice or water. The main thing is often that you should only get fluid when you easily become dehydrated during stomach sick periods.

Professor Agnes Wold Apparently visited Sweden’s Radio to answer some questions and thoughts from the viewers that, among other things, were about this with drinking water directly from the crane.

After all, we are many who during our upbringing were told that you should not use hot tap water directly into the cup if, for example, you should mix a quick cup of down coffee.

A listener wrote to Sweden’s Radio and told her that she grew up in the belief that it is bad to drink hot tap water or shower water, due to bacteria. Today she lives in the Netherlands where many mix both compensation and make tea with the help of hot water directly from the crane.

Agnes Wold then answers like this:

– It has nothing to do with bacteria, but it is copper. Copper is often used in water pipes for hot water. And it is a bit unclear this for tap water that flows in a multi -family house contains very little copper even if it is hot water. But it is rather more common with more copper in the water if you have your own well, she begins.

– Nevertheless, the National Food Agency says that you should completely avoid taking hot water directly from the tap to use in cooking, tea or mound. So if you want to minimize the copper content, you can flush the water for a while until it gets cold. I myself am totally trained with it so I always take cold water which I then use in tea boilers, she concludes.

So you have the time for it – always flush cold water for a little while before drinking the water from the tap.
