News24 Have previously written about how to store your bread, to keep it juicy as long as possible. According to The National Food Agency Bread should be stored at room temperature, and not at a lower temperature that many believe.
Regular misses when storing bread
Even the baker and TV profile Sebastien Boudet Agree that room temperature is the best temperature for the bread to stay juicy.
– I would not recommend storing bread in the refrigerator. The bread becomes like a sponge. It absorbs all the smells and flavors that are found Runtruntomkring. Real bread baked on sourdough lasts for a very long time and never has to end up in the fridge, he says in an interview with News24.
Read more: Have you kept the bread wrong all your life? Here’s the usual miss
Therefore you should have potatoes in the bread bag
But if one’s bread has become a little dry and boring, then there is actually an old housewife trick that can make it juicy again in no time.
You can put a raw potato in the bread bag. The potatoes give away moisture, which makes the bread stays softly longer. The potato also counteracts mold to some extent.
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Simple trick for fresh bread every day
Other things one can do to keep their bread fresh longer, according to House and home, is to use a bread box, or wrap the bread into a kitchen towel.
It is also great to freeze the bread you can’t eat and pick up a bit at will. This way you always get pin -fresh bread.
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