Therefore, you may not withdraw cash from Swedbank’s office

Therefore you may not withdraw cash from Swedbanks office

News24 has previously written about cash and how a new survey, by Verian, on behalf of Bankomat, showed that a record number of Swedes want to be able to trade with cash in the future as well and not just use card payments.

Survey: So many want to keep the cash

Amelia magazine received a question from an upset reader recently who was banned from withdrawing his sold funds in cash from Swedbank’s office.

Here explains Arturo ArquezSwedbank and the savings bank’s private economist, which is why you can’t withdraw cash that way from your bank.

Couldn’t withdraw cash at Swedbank’s office

The signature Stina had funds at Swedbank which she sold through the bank. Stina had then stopped being a customer with the bank, but the money for what she sold was still in an account with Swedbank.

Transferring the money, which in this case was SEK 1,400, to Stina’s new bank, would cost SEK 150. But Stina said that she had not been informed of that sum before she sold the funds and would rather redeem the money in cash.

But collecting the money in cash turned out to be impossible as there is not a single Swedbank in the whole of Sweden where you can withdraw cash, writes Amelia.

The warning: Cash is at risk of becoming unusable

They suffer the worst if the cash disappears in Sweden

Swedbank has a price list for its various services

Arturo Arques, Swedbank and the savings banks’ private economist, explains why there is a fee to transfer money between banks in that way.

– We never comment on individual cases. What I can say in general is that we have a price list, which shows what our services cost. To be able to transfer money free of charge, you need certain banking services. If these banking services are missing, personal service is required, which then also has a price, he tells Amelia.

Cash at home? Then you MUST do this: “Important”

Swedbank’s offices do not handle cash

He also explains why it is not possible to withdraw cash at a Swedbank office. It is simply because the bank does not have that service, but to confirm it one hundred percent, he refers someone else more knowledgeable.

– I don’t think so, but I’m not completely sure – just almost sure, says Arturo Arques Amelia and continues:

– As far as I know, there are almost 2,000 ATMs in Sweden. 1,500 ATMs and approx. 450 ATMs from Kontanten.
