Therefore, you cannot withdraw cash at Nordea’s bank office

Therefore you cannot withdraw cash at Nordeas bank office

We live today in an increasingly digitized society and for those who want to pay for themselves with cash, it can be difficult.

READ MORE: A record number of Swedes want to keep cash in the future

Several shops, cafes and restaurants are today completely cashless. The Riksbank has also come out and warned that cash may become “almost unusable” in the future, if we continue on the current track.

The number of ATMs has decreased

As the demand for cash has fallen, the number of ATMs has decreased drastically. Between 2012 and 2022 alone, the number of ATMs from Bankomat AB decreased by almost 1,300, something that News24 wrote more about.


So little cash is in circulation in Sweden

So many ATMs have disappeared in 10 years: “Will decrease”

Photo: Martina Holmberg / TTTherefore, you cannot withdraw cash at Nordea’s bank office

Nyheter24 has previously written about why you cannot withdraw cash at Swedbank’s bank office. But there are also other banks that have stopped this type of service, one of these banks is Nordea. So anyone who wants to withdraw cash at a Nordea bank office has to think again.

READ MORE: Therefore, you cannot withdraw cash from Swedbank’s office

Namely, it is impossible to withdraw cash at Nordea’s bank office. As of July 10, 2020, all Nordea offices stopped offering

The reason was that demand was too low and that digital payment methods had increased.

A record number of Swedes want to keep the cash

Verian has, on behalf of Cash machineconducted a survey on the Swedes’ view of cash and cash payments in particular.

The survey showed that a whopping 83 percent of Swedes want to keep cash, which corresponds to more than eight out of ten Swedes and is a record high figure, which also Cash machine reported on.

Nyheter24 is looking for Nordea to ask if it has plans to bring back cash handling at its bank branches.

READ MORE: This is how much cash you should have at home
