Therefore, the updated covid vaccine is recommended

On November 7, the national vaccination begins in Sweden, where the updated covid vaccine is to be given to the groups recommended by the Public Health Authority. The purpose is to create a good immunity before the winter season, according to the authority.

– There are very good conditions for this vaccine to work better, says Vaccine researcher Matti Sällberg to TV4 Nyheterna.

There is currently no high pressure on intensive care in the country, but during October the spread of the new omicron variant of the Sars-coV-2 virus, XBB.1.5, increased. This is especially the case in special housing and among vulnerable groups.

“We now see that the spread of infection is increasing, even if it is at a relatively low level. For people with an increased risk of serious illness, it is important to vaccinate against both covid-19 and influenza,” writes the Public Health Agency on its website.

The new variant appears to spread more efficiently than previous omicron variants. In Sweden, the spread increased by 38 percent during week 41 compared to the week before. But the rise follows the expected pattern during the autumn period, according to the authority.

– That’s why it’s good that you already get started and vaccinate as many people as possible in these groups, because then you reduce the pressure on the healthcare system, says Sällberg.

Provides better protection

The new covid vaccine, which is recommended above all for the elderly and risk groups, is updated according to the latest subvariant, XBB.1.5, which is spreading right now, explains Sällberg.

The vaccine works better against the mutated variants of covid-19 and provides better antibodies. But probably also better so-called “T-cells”, i.e. a type of blood cells that recognize virus-infected cells and which are crucial for the immune system.

– This is much more similar to the virus that is spreading now than the original Wuhan-based virus, says Sällberg.

– If you belong to the groups that the Public Health Authority recommends, for example if you are over 80, belong to a risk group, or if you have not been vaccinated before, you should definitely take this vaccine. It provides good protection against all common illness and death, he continues.

Currently, it is the pharmaceutical company, Pfizer’s vaccine that is offered in Sweden during the autumn.

Older people have weaker immunity

For people between the ages of 50 and 64 who have already had one or more shots, there is no recommendation for further vaccination.

– It is exactly the same reasoning that underlies the annual flu vaccination, says Sällberg.

Immunity disappears much faster in older people and in those with weaker immune systems, compared to those with normal immunity, explains Sällberg.

– This means that those over the age of 65 have no real immunity protection.

For people under 65 who do not belong to risk groups, the protection is significantly better.

– We have had several doses of the vaccine there. We might also have had an infection. It is considered to be adequate protection.

However, according to the Public Health Authority, it is still possible to get a dose before the winter season if you want, if it has been at least nine months since the last dose.

Confirmed covid-19 before August 1

If you have been sick with confirmed covid-19 after August 1, 2023, you can forego the shot if you do not have a weakened immune system, but if you are unsure, you should take the vaccine, recommends the Public Health Agency.

– Then you probably had these new variants. It is then not as important to get vaccinated again.

But it is also because you get better protection against the disease if you have recently been infected with covid-19, explains Sällberg.

You can also get slightly stronger side effects than usual from the vaccine if you have recently had the disease.

– It’s about these common side effects with fever and feeling drowsy, and a little soreness.

Here are the groups for which the vaccine is recommended

People over the age of 80 and the elderly who live in special housing are recommended to get vaccinated once. The updated vaccine is also available to those who managed to get vaccinated before the updated vaccine was on the market, but at least three months must pass between doses.

The age group 65–79 years and people over 18 who are in the risk group are recommended a vaccine dose. If you have been sick with confirmed covid-19 after August 1, 2023, you can forgo the shot if you do not have a compromised immune system, but if you are unsure, you should take the vaccine.

Those in the 50–64 age group who have never been vaccinated against covid-19 are recommended a dose of the updated vaccine.

For 50–64-year-olds who have already taken one or more injections, there is no recommendation for additional vaccination. However, it is possible to get a dose before the winter season if you want, if at least nine months have passed since the last dose.

For people aged 18–49 years, there is no vaccination recommendation. If you still want to take a dose before winter, nine months must have passed since the last dose.

If you are under 18 years old, there is no recommendation for vaccination as the risk of serious illness and death from covid-19 among children and young people is low.
