A year has come to an end, which means that there are new figures on which purchases Swedes have complained about the most. Sweden’s consumers have compiled a list of which purchases leave customers furious.
Second on the list buy in the accommodation category.
The purchase that leaves many dissatisfied: “A big restriction in their daily life”
Maria Wiezellconsumer legal expert at Sweden’s Consumers, tells News24 that the most common problem in purchasing housing is handyman services.
– It is expensive to renovate and it means a big restriction in your daily life if you have craftsmen at home who never finish, mess up and make mistakes and also cost a lot, she says.
Maria Wiezell, consumer legal expert at Sweden’s Consumers. Photo: Press image, Sweden’s consumers.
In 2024, it was precisely purchases within the accommodation category that were measured as the purchases that customers complained about the second most throughout the year. The purchase category that dominated was vehicle purchases, something that Nyheter24 previously spoke to Wiezell about.
– If you buy a used car, it can look very nice on the outside, but be pure garbage under the hood, she said then.
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Source: Sweden’s Consumers
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Craft services can be offered by both serious and non-serious actors, and those who cannot distinguish between these can face big problems.
– Not all craftsmen are serious and you can have different expectations of the result in relation to what the craftsman has promised. You speak different languages, both literally but also that you mean different things by what you say, or the craftsman has a lot of technical terms that you as a consumer don’t understand. You talk past each other, says Wiezell.
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The payment can cause problems – the call: Write an agreement
There is a lot that can cause it when you buy craft services. Wiezell also addresses the problems that can arise with root deductions and other rules. She testifies about customers who do not take part in all the information before they agree with craftsmen.
– Unfortunately, as a consumer, you are not very careful about signing a tradesman’s contract where you carefully include everything you want to be done, when it should be done and at what price. And also enter a penalty clause if they are not finished in time. Something you should do, she says.
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The expert: You should think about that when you buy a home
In conclusion, Wiezell from Sweden’s consumers shares some things to consider when buying a home.
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