Therefore, the PET bottles will change color in 2025

Therefore the PET bottles will change color in 2025

Applies to pet bottles up to three litres

The requirement comes from an EU directive and applies to pet bottles that hold up to three liters of liquid. However, this does not mean such a big change for Sweden, as many of our PET bottles already contain a high proportion of recycled plastic, according to Pantamera’s sustainability and quality manager Sarah Bergendorff who was interviewed by P4 Halland.

From 2030, all PET bottles that hold three liters must contain at least 30 percent recycled plastic to be sold in Sweden. This was announced by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in a press release in September 2024. The requirement does not apply to bottles that hold more than three litres, or PET bottles that are intended for and used for food for special medical purposes.

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Therefore, the color of the pet bottles will look different

The pet bottles can now have a slightly yellower and darker tone. This is due to the high percentage of recycled plastic.

– If you use very high levels of recycled plastic, the bottles can become slightly darker or more yellowish, says Sara Bergendorff to P4 Halland.

However, she also points out that there are still bottles on the market that do not contain any recycled content at all, and that it is the producers’ responsibility to ensure that the requirement is followed in the future. The purpose of the requirement is to reduce the climate impact of PET bottles.

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