The Green Party provisionally receives 13.8 percent (+2.3) of the votes. But of those who voted for the MP in the EU election, only 43 percent indicate that they would vote for the party if there were a parliamentary election – a full 33 percent would instead vote for the Social Democrats. This is evident from SVT’s polling station survey.
If there were parliamentary elections today, far from everyone who voted for the MP in the EU would have chosen the MP. Photo: SVT’s Valu
EU elections 2024
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According to election expert and political scientist Sören Holmberg, it was a redistribution between the red-green parties that favored MP in the EU election.
– There was a massive movement to the MP of above all sosse voters, but also from the Left Party, says Holmberg.
For the Sweden Democrats, who received 13.2 percent (-2.1) in the EU election, 84 percent had voted for SD even in a parliamentary election.
Photo: SVT
When it comes to the voters’ most important questions in the EU election, the MP’s questions ended up high.
– Why did the Green Party do so strongly? Well, climate and the environment were an important issue for the voters, says Sören Holmberg.
At the same time, the refugee and immigration issue ended up lower in the ranking, which may have disadvantaged the Sweden Democrats.
– It was not SD’s issues that dominated among the voters this time. SD lost above all to the Tidö comrades KD and M. It is definitely a thought-provoking for the party, says Sören Holmberg.
This is how turnout in Skåne and Stockholm affected the parties’ election results – hear SVT’s Fouad Youcefi explain in the video above.