Therefore, the figures on the number of those killed in the war vary

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According to the UN, upwards of 20,000 civilians have died and been injured as a result of the war in Ukraine. The number of fallen soldiers is significantly higher.

Ukrainian military claims to have killed upwards of 140,000 Russian soldiers, and according to the New York Times 200,000 Russian soldiers may have been killed and wounded.

Norwegian defense chief Eirik Kristoffersen says to TV2 that the number of dead Ukrainians may be closer to 100,000, and the number of dead Russians 180,000 – almost twice as many.

“Want to influence the home front”

According to Johan Huovinen, lieutenant colonel at the Norwegian Defense Academy, the figures should be taken with a grain of salt.

– These numbers are used for propaganda purposes from both sides – they want to influence the home front, he says and continues:

– In Russia, they have mobilized 300,000 people, and then it is important not to show too large loss figures. It could reduce support for the war on the home front.

Intensity and weapons affect the death toll

Information on the number of dead and injured also comes from several external parties.

The numbers vary, and according to Johan Huovinen, this is because there is no uniform system for how to calculate the number of dead and injured. Instead, an assessment is made of the intensity of the fighting and the type of weapon used.

That as many as 200,000 Russian soldiers should have died is questioned by Johan Huovinen.

– The Russian side had upwards of 200,000 soldiers along the border with Ukraine a year ago. It sounds unlikely that all of them should have fallen or been injured.

The numbers are a guide

Although the figures are not reliable, they give an indication of the progress of the war.

– You can at least get an idea that the losses are very large.

Precisely this – that the losses are extensive – is the point of the reporting.

– Ukraine and the West hope that Russia will understand that the war in Ukraine is costly, and that the Russians will thereby lose their support for the Russian regime, says Johan Huovinen and continues:

– In the long term, the death toll is part of Ukraine’s hybrid warfare against Russia.
