Therefore the Christmas tree remains in the square

Although it has been 89 days since Kalle Anka and his friends wanted a God Christmas last time, there is still a large and lush spruce with a star at the top of Fristadstorget in Eskilstuna.

A Christmas tree, according to most people.

But according to the municipal council’s chairman Jimmy Jansson (S), it falls on his own unreasonableness.

“For God’s sake soon summer”

– No, Christmas tree is only if it is Christmas, and it is not Christmas, it is for God’s sake soon summer or spring. It’s simply a spruce with a star at the top, he tells P4 Sörmland.

The Christmas tree was erected together with an ice rink last winter and according to Jansson you cannot remove the Christmas tree before the ice rink is gone.

– You have to take things in the right order simply.
