Therefore, Sofia Geite lives with Jessica Almenä’s son

Therefore Sofia Geite lives with Jessica Almenas son

The TV4 profile Sofia Geite42, is one of Nyhetsmorgon’s most appreciated presenters.

She is married to the industry colleague Johan Edlund53 – also a familiar face from TV4’s broadcasts. Geite has previously told how she and her husband met, and like many other Swedes, it was at work that the first sparks flew.

– Johan saw me at the coffee machine and asked if we could have a coffee. At the time I had just left a relationship so I guess I wasn’t that big… I didn’t know how long I would be single or something like that, Sofia Geite has previously said in an interview with Happened.

The rest is history, and at present the couple have been married for more than 12 years.

Johan Edlund is married to Sofia Geite. Photo: Stella Pictures

READ MORE: Everything about Sofia Geite: Family, salary and TV4 husband Johan Edlund

Sofia Geite and her husband live in a luxurious apartment

The Geite-Edlund family lives in a luxurious apartment in Stockholm’s inner city, which according to information such as News24 taken part in is valued at between SEK 8.8 and 9.7 million.

Not bad!

Anyone who follows Sofia Geite on social media can sometimes catch a glimpse of the state-of-the-art accommodation in the feed.

READ MORE: Sofia Geite’s dick to Steffo Törnquist – the behavior in Nyhetsmorgon: “Worthless”

Together, Sofia Geite and her husband have two children: the daughters Elsa and Ester.

But those with an attentive eye have probably noticed that a third, slightly older, child also usually appears in Sofia Geite’s family photos in social media. The same person is also written at the same address as both Sofia and her husband Johan.

It is none other than Jack Almenäs19, son of the presenter Jessica Almenäs.

It all comes together in a very natural way. Before the relationship with Geite, Johan Edlund had a relationship with Jessica Almenäs, and together they had a son Jack.

In other words, he is Sofia Geite’s bonus son – and she is his bonus mother.

READ MORE: Jessica Almenä’s millionaire salary – that’s how much the TV star earns

Jessica Almenäs and Johan Edlund were a couple in the early 00s. Photo: Stella Pictures Such is the relationship between Sofia Geite and Jessica Almenäs

The bonus family seems to work very well. This is what Sofia said about the relationship with Jessica in an interview with Hänt:

– It is great and has always been good. When Johan and I met, Jessica also worked at TV4, so we’ve worked in the same industry before and stuff like that.

Anyone who dives further into Sofie Geite’s flow can also find the occasional picture that reveals their fine relationship. Nice to see!

READ MORE: Jessica Almenä’s discovery: “Related to my boyfriend”
