Therefore, everyone should apologize to Stina Nilsson

Stina Nilsson is back again.
After four tough years, she shuts down all critics.
Now everyone should apologize to the Swede for how she has been treated.

This is a comment. The opinions are the writer’s own.

The last four years have been pure witch hunts against Stina Nilsson. Few Swedish athletes have had to endure what she was forced to endure in public.

The criticism against Nilsson

Criticism has been great and the tone has unfortunately been unnecessarily harsh since Nilsson left cross-country skiing as one of the world’s best sprinters. She followed her heart for a new challenge but the switch to biathlon was not at all successful.

Stina has had to fight four winters in a row but received an unwelcome storm of criticism straight in the face. Both in Sweden and Norway, experts have aired their harsh words against poor shooting and slow skiing on the ski tracks.

READ MORE: Stina Nilsson’s strong confession after the debut in the new sport

Few would have been able to withstand what Stina Nilsson was forced to endure, but she is also not like others. The 31-year-old from Malung has an incredibly strong will and determination, and she doesn’t listen to anyone else, but follows her own path in life.

Revenge for Stina

It has now taken her to yet another new skiing sport in the form of cross-country skiing. During the weekend, it was time for her competitive debut in Ski Classics and then she exceeded all expectations with a strong third place in Bad Gastein.

READ MORE: Stina Nilsson’s farewell to biathlon is the best thing that could happen

What an incredible revenge and so hugely deserved for Stina who has really given it her all in pre-season to silence any doubters. Now she finally gets to show all the critics what a fantastic skier she still is.

Therefore, everyone should apologize to Stina Nilsson after these four years of public execution. She has truly earned it and we wish her the best of luck in the future.

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