There would be no Call of Duty in 2023 and it’s not Microsoft’s fault

There would be no Call of Duty in 2023 and

Since its advent in 2003, almost 20 years ago, the Call of Duty license has served us an episode each year. According to Bloomberg and its flagship journalist Jason Shreier, Activision would be on the verge of giving up in 2023. A decision that would have nothing to do with the takeover of Activision-Blizzard by Microsoft (almost 70 billion dollars). recalls) and which would have been taken to leave an additional year for the developers to work in a serene manner. The 2023 episode is the Treyarch studio which is on it, which had had a year less in 2020 when Sledgehammer Games had been taken out of Call of Duty production, following internal concerns. It must be said that with the arrival of Call of Duty Warzone, it is a new workload that fell on the shoulders of each studio working on the franchise, and which will be there to compensate for the absence of Call of Duty in 2023 through updates and other special events. For the time being, Activision has neither confirmed nor denied Shreier’s paper, but the latter cites discussions with developers at Treyarch to support his remarks.

Call of Duty: Warzone
