There were conditions for heat this summer

Before the summer, TV4 News meteorologist Madeleine Westin predicted that it would be a hot summer with many sunny days. There was also a risk of a heat wave, similar to the one that hit Sweden five years ago.
Instead, many vacationers had to spend weeks off in both rain and debris.
– We should be happy that it didn’t turn out like 2018. Think how it has been down in Europe this summer – it’s terrible what we’ve seen, she says in Efter fem.

According to Madeleine Westin, there were thus conditions for it to be a hot summer, something that the major weather institutes communicated despite certain uncertainties in the forecasts.

– There was uncertainty in the models, but the conditions were both how it looked here at home in Sweden and in Europe and the world.

But due to local weather phenomena, it did not turn out as she had predicted.

– There were various local phenomena that made May and June worse than 2018 in terms of the drought, but we didn’t get the high temperatures we had in 2018. In July there was a high pressure over the British Isles that collapsed, and that itself opened up up because the low pressure could move in over us from the Atlantic, she says.

Many people ask what happened to the heat

The summer that has now passed was thus a disappointment for many. In recent weeks, several people have confronted Madeleine Westin and asked questions about where the heat and sun actually went – and she understands that many people feel stupid.

– When it affects you emotionally, you get disappointed – if you put your holiday on hold and it rained like we’ve had. But there are also those who say it was a disaster, they went to Spain and got the third heat wave over them, she says.

High pressure is expected in the south later this week

In Gävleborg county and Gavleån, there is still a red warning for high water flows, where rain is also expected on Wednesday. But starting tomorrow, the rain area, which during Tuesday is expected to move into Sweden from the south, will move north.

And the high pressure – which many have been waiting for – is expected to arrive in southern Sweden on Thursday.

– The rain eases off towards Thursday and it looks like high pressure is coming. But in northern Sweden it looks like there will still be some clouds and rain showers, announced TV4 Nyheternas meteorologist Carolina Andersson on Monday.
