There was a serious increase in the prices of the Samsung Galaxy S22 series in Turkey

Sad Turkey prices of the Samsung Galaxy S22 series have

Samsung Galaxy S22 Unfortunately, there is bad news for the series today. The official selling prices of the phones have seen a significant increase.

to all the details here we place Samsung Galaxy S22 For those who don’t know, the series consists of three different models: Galaxy S22, Galaxy S22 Plus and Galaxy S22 Ultra. These models are now From Samsung’s official sales channel Sold for higher than pre-order prices. Previously for Galaxy S22 128GB storage 14,499 TL had the selling price. For Galaxy S22 Plus with 128GB storage 18.999 TLfor Galaxy S22 Plus with 256GB storage 19.999 TL had to be given. For the best of the family, the Galaxy S22 Ultra, 128 GB is special. 22.999 TL sale price appeared. Version of this model with 256GB storage 23.999 TLFull for 512GB 24.999 TL had to be given.

As of now, for 128 GB storage specifically for Galaxy S22 15.999 TL must be given. Now for Galaxy S22 Plus with 128GB storage 21.999 TLfor Galaxy S22 Plus with 256GB storage 22.999 TL must be given. Galaxy S22 Ultra 128GB special 25.999 TL sale price appears. Version of this model with 256GB storage 26.999 TLWhile it is sold for 512 GB, it is now fully 28.999 TL must be given.


As we said before Samsung Galaxy S22 series is in a very difficult situation in Turkey. In general, every high-end Android phone now appeals to a very, very limited audience in Turkey. Smartphone prices continue to rise sadly. Behind this is the effect of the high euro / dollar exchange rate along with taxes.

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