There just wasn’t enough time

There just wasnt enough time

One of the most exciting upcoming MCU projects is the Hawkeye spin-off Echo. the Marvel series for Disney+ revolves around the titular (anti-)heroine (Alaqua Cox) we met in Hawkeye, and brings back fan-favorites like Daredevil and the Kingpin.

Actually, Echo should start in summer 2023. However, now there is worrying reportsunderlined by a shifted start.

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With the new MCU series Echo there are probably problems behind the scenes

As reported by The Direct, Echo’s launch has been delayed by at least six months. Showrunner Marion Dayre confirmed this when she recently guest-starred on The Writers Panel podcast. According to her, Echo is likely to appear with her a year after the podcast episode’s release, huh December 2023 would mean.

In an interview, she compares her work on Echo to the process of series like Better Call Saul, where each episode is built piece by piece in three major steps. In doing so, she says it not enough time at Marvel would be to do it this way.

According to The Direct, insider Lizzie Hill tweeted in November that she Problems on the set of Echo would have noticed:

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I’ve been hearing things lately from previously reliable sources that make me very, very concerned about #Echo. It was reported that previous Marvel productions had problems but then everything was fine, so I don’t usually worry, but… I do worry. Hoping I’m wrong.

Whether the insider’s info is related to the timing issues mentioned by the Echo showrunner isn’t known. More information about the production and the release date of the upcoming MCU series will certainly follow.

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Are you worried about the Echo production?
