There is nothing more poisonous: they are deadly! Cause of cancer, heart disease and obesity…

There is nothing more poisonous they are deadly Cause of

Unhealthy diet, bad lifestyle, alcohol, smoking and inactivity are one of the biggest problems of our day. Along with these, diseases such as obesity, heart and cancer are also on the rise. Dozens or even hundreds of different studies have been conducted so far, focusing on ‘unhealthy foods’. Many foods that are classified as harmful to tobacco by the World Health Organization are on the list.

While all studies showed more or less similar results, processed meats and trans fats were at the top of the list. Especially in developed countries, 26 percent of the causes of death are due to excessive consumption of processed meat products. Preservatives and excessive salt in processed meat products such as salami, sausage, sausage and pastrami are among the factors that threaten human health. According to other studies conducted in recent years, meat products such as barbecue exposed to extreme heat also trigger colon cancer.

The most harmful, poisonous foods to health…


It is now a known fact that processed meat, which is classified as a first group carcinogen by the World Health Organization, triggers cancer. Processed meats such as sausage, pastrami and smoked turkey, which are the stars of snack plates, especially breakfasts, are very harmful to human health. Experts emphasize that this type of food should never be eaten.



Bacon is also seen as a kind of processed meat. These foods, which cause normal cells to turn into cancer cells, are placed in the carcinogenesis class by the World Health Organization and shown in the same category as tobacco.


Smoked Turkey

Experts state that it is the processing process that makes meat harmful. Therefore, products such as smoked turkey, which are specified as healthy or low in calories, do not differ from other processed meats.


Fried foods, which consist of fat, salt and plenty of calories, are like a poison bomb for our health. If you frequently consume fried foods, you are one step closer to heart health problems, especially obesity.



Potato chips mean cheap fat and high sodium. This means it is very harmful to health!


Sugar is one of the foods you should definitely stay away from, especially if you think about your processed sugar health.



Processed oils such as grapeseed, soybean, canola, cottonseed, corn and vegetable oils are often harmful to human health. That’s because during processing they reach extremely high temperatures that oxidize the oils.



This category of fat is found in many packaged food and fast food products. Hydrogenated oils have been found to increase mortality rates in population studies. Because many popular consumer product brands, such as peanut butter, contain hydrogenated oils, it’s important for consumers to read the ingredient label on packaged food products. In short, stay away from these oils!



Refined carbs include white bread, white rice and pasta, pastries, pizza, and more. Refined grain products are known to promote inflammation in our bodies, often higher in sugar and associated with obesity.



Unprocessed Red and Processed Meats and the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease [Güncel Ateroskleroz Raporlarında yayınlanan] The health hazard of sausage was described in a research report with the sentence, “The available evidence has been that consumption of processed meat has an impact on the incidence of coronary artery disease.”
